Who would you like to visit? The dogs?...The bunnies?...or The bees? Have Fun!!
Here are pictures of BunBun
and Butterscotch, who are our two rescue bunnies.
There are many wonderful places on the internet devoted to rabbits. Here are the ones that
I use the most, and some of my personal favorites.
Please come and visit our Shih Tzus, Pa-Sha and Ming Ling.
There are many wonderful places on the internet devoted to dogs.
Here are the ones that
I use the most, and some of my personal favorites.
Please come and visit 'da Bees, ...all 60,000 of them. or ...1999 Bees' Knees Apiary notes
Please introduce yourself,
Sign my Guestbook and
tell me about your pets; then
view the Guestbook to see what others
are doing!! Thanks for visiting.
The Lagomorphs
Come see some pictures of our Foster Bunnies.Links to other sites on the Web
The most important page to visit if you own, or are thinking of owning
a bunny is The House Rabbit Society
home page. This is the place where you can find, or find WHERE to find,
everything about keeping a housebunny.
If you're thinking about opening your home and your heart
to a bunny, please consider adopting a rescue bunny from
House Rabbit Network.
Their fosterers have some wonderful bunnies, just waiting for you.
There are many places you can visit if you would
like to see pictures of bunnies. The The ARBA Home Page
will lead you to pictures of different breeds.
No matter how much we might wish it, the fact is that our pets will
not live forever. It might be a comfort for you to know that there is a place called
The Rainbow Bridge where we will all meet again.
Book List- Books I have found helpful, interesting, informative, and just plain fun to read!
Order Marinell Harriman's House Rabbit Handbook : How to Live With an Urban Rabbit
The Canines
They are our pride and joy!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
The most important page to visit if you own, or are thinking of owning
a puppy is The AKC. Here you can learn all about the
standards for different breeds, and how to pick a good breeder.
Now, if you're totally nutz about
Shih Tzus, as I am,
you will probably want to visit The American Shih Tzu Club Home Page,
and some Shih Tzu - Lhasa Apso Links.
And, if you love any and all dogs, a visit to American Dog Owners Association
is in order!!
Book List- Books I have found helpful, interesting, informative, and just plain fun to read!
Order Ann Seranne and Lise Miller's The Joy of Owning a Shih Tzu
Apis mellifera
I just started beekeeping in April 1998 with two hives of packaged bees. Come along and see how wonderful the Honeybee is!
Book List- Books I have found helpful, interesting, informative, and just plain fun to read!
Order Sue Hubbell and Sam Potthoff's A Book of Bees : And How to Keep Them A beautiful book, not just about beekeeping, but country living and about stopping to really look at nature. A good read!
Order Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen's The Magic School Bus : Inside a Beehive
Order Richard Bonny's Beekeeping : A Practical Guide This is where you start if you want to keep bees.
Order Diana Sammataro's The Beekeeper's Handbook : A Teaching Text for Beginners to Advanced Beekeepers New edition. Excellent reference.
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since June 18, 1998
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