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Not Quite Back To Noah

The Lilley-Lines Ties That Bind

Yesterday, or so it seems, my brothers and sisters and I were growing up in a small town in southern Pennsylvania. Today we are grown and scattered. If you are lucky enough to grow up in a large family, to share background and history, than I think it is important to keep those ties strong. This is an attempt to do that.

A hundred years ago, moving from one town to another was a major undertaking. It was a courageous thing to leave a community where your family had entrenched roots. In comparison, today people pick up and move at the drop of a hat. It's physically easier, obviously. No need to hitch up old Paint to the buckboard; or endure a smelly, uncomfortable train trip. Call up Mayflower, make those plane reservations, and you can move from one side of this country to the other in 8 hours.

The down side to this is that families become physically distanced and emotionally disenfranchised. Mine, for instance, is scattered from New Jersey to Massachusetts to the four directions of PA, to California. We rarely gather as a family unit anymore. We forget birthdays, or are too busy to do anything about them. We forget graduations. We don't have the links that proximity forges. We have to work harder to forge those links; sometimes we take the time to do so, and sometimes we do not.

Well, there is the Library; it has books from different branches of the Lilley/Lines families.

Keep in touch. Come back often. Bring your reading glasses.
Spend some Quiet Time in the LIBRARY.

Here is a great place to look for PA. Roots Try it!

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