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Hello my name is
Tennia Winkler. I am a mother of an 13 year old son.
He is the man of the house. I recently divorced on July 17,1997.
This is my attempt at doing my very own webpage. Please feel
welcome and enjoy my site. I was born and raised in Shelbyville
KY on Feb. 28, 1962.

I love to bowl, cook and do crafts.
I like to listen to country music. My
favorite female singer is REBA. I have several
favorite male singers but mostly Aaron Tippen
and Neil McCoy. I attended college right out of
highschool and have a degree in Administrative
Accounting from Sullivan Jr. College of Business.
I do however plan to go back to college soon, I
have found a love for computers so I will take some
courses in that area. The HighSchool I attened
was the Shelby County High School...GO ROCKETS!

Well let me tell you alittle about my family
now. Most of my family were born in
Spencer Co. Ky, this is a small quiant town.
It is about 30 miles from Louisville, Ky home
of the KY Derby. Most of my family now live
in Shelby Co. KY. Shelby county was
formed in 1792. It is located in the Outer
Bluegrass region of the state. You can check
out the local news here at this URL: The
elevation in the county ranges from 550 to
1188 feet above sea level. In 1990 the
county population was 24,824 in a land area
of 384 square miles, an average of 64.6
people per square mile. The county seat is

I however lived in Kansas where my son
was born. I did not like Kansas so my first
husband, son and I moved back to
Shelbyville in 86 right after my son was born.
I divorced in 88. I later remarried on
December 1993, however, we are now
divorced. My x-husband is in the Army and
and that took us to Georgia. I got the house out of the
divorce and decided to relocate back to Bartlesville,
Oklahoma where I live now.

At the time I married my husband I was the
Executive Director of the Shelby Co.
American Red Cross. I was employed by
them for over 5 years, at that time my mother
took ill and died of cancer. I decided that I
was ready for a change for myself and my
son and husband so we moved and bought a
house in Bartlesville, OK. My father and his
wife live there also. I love the beach there in
Georgia but felt financially coming back to
Oklahoma was the best answer.

Now for alittle about my pride and joy, my
son. He is 13 years old and the most
important part of my life. As any mother I
would lay down my life for him. He is a
wonderful child and I love him dearly. He is
into all kinds of sports, keeps me busy all
year long. He is a GREAT baseball player.
He loves to play soccer also. He is just
getting started in learning the skills and rules
of basketball. He likes to bowl and golf also.
He is just started to learn about bowling. Of
course with a mom that likes to bowl as well
as I do, I would hope he would like it and he
does. Sometimes he even beats me. My son
has what is called ADHD (Attention Defict
w/Hyperactivity) so I would love to
correspond by email with anyone that has a
child with this also. He is a very smart child
just this affects his consentration alittle other
then that he is just a typical 10 year old. I will
be updating this section often to tell you what
is going on in my family.

Within these pages you'll discover the things
in my life and the people who keep me going.
I want to share with you all the joys and accomplishments
that I experience. Here, I will uncover everything:
my hobbies, pets, friends family and maybe even some
poems that I have written.

I also love to get email so feel free to email me at
anytime about anything. Please do stop by and sign my
guestbook so that I will know you were here. Thanks
again for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my page.