I served for the RIGHT to fly our flags.
My relatives fought, some died for the RIGHT to fly our flags.
My ancestors fought with or against those who carried their flag in battle,
for the RIGHT to fly our flags.

SO I fly my flags out of RESPECT -

To: Senator

Subject: Economic stimulus


With the passage of the economic stimulus package you want Capitol Hill are trying to appear to be doing something important besides look out for your own good. If you really want to do something to stimulate the economy here are a few ideas.


#1 Pass a resolution denouncing NAFTA, CAFTA and GAT. Then start taking steps to repeal them all. I said then that NAFTA Would be the downfall of American jobs and it has now been proven.


#2 Tariffs – And force the ones in place and stop allowing special exceptions. Then increase all tariffs so these other countries and companies have to stop dumping their products here, at the expense of American workers.

To go right in line with this.


#3 Trade sanctions and tax increases for those countries and companies that would disregard the tariffs and continue the same course of business, impose trade sanctions and for domestic companies that want to shift jobs overseas increase their business taxes and close loopholes that allow them to call themselves American companies when most of their manufacturing is done by overseas then shipped back here for through Mexico then back here. Make it so that is not cheaper for them to continue this practice.


#4 Illegal immigration – Plain and simple illegal is illegal. Ship them back – Stop them from coming in so easily. Stop paying them welfare, medical treatment, giving them money and benefits for being here illegally. Tax paying citizens in this country who are here legally (And not on work or student Visas) should not have to pay for the illegals. There are American citizens who cannot afford to go to the doctors but an illegal can come in here sick and get help right away. They can come over here pregnant and give birth then be allowed to stay because the baby was born on American soil. Any employer who is caught employing illegals should have their assets seized and been jailed.


#5 Oil companies have reported record profits every quarter for at least the last two years. Because of this people are having to choose between gas for the vehicles they drive, or heating their homes, or food and medicine, or cutting back on both so they can afford to drive back and forth to work. The higher the fuel costs in this country the harder it is for people to survive let alone maybe have a little extra to put back so that when their job goes to Mexico or India or Pakistan or China they have a little put back until they can find some other work if there is any left.


 To put it plain and simple start doing the job she were put into office to do and start looking out for this country and the people of THIS country Not what goes into your bank accounts, campaign accounts, or your own personal goals.


                                             Sincerely, Dave Wiltrout



CC: US Senators

       US Congressmen

       State Representatives

       State Senators

WE { The American Truckers} TOLD YOU SO!!!!
pay attention
even the Mexican trucking companies are against allowing their trucks over here

To our Congressmen and Senators

See below

I've had this website up for 10 years and nothing has gotten any better     You talk the talk of protecting our country. WELL THEN BY GOD WALK THE WALK!! You people in Washington have done a miserable job so far. And yes I did say GOD because you seem to want to cater to a few other than the majority and the majority is NOT offended by God and want God to be kept where as intended. Stop re-writing the Constitution to suit those who put money in your pockets and leave it ALONE. That piece of parchment was written and worded the way it was for a reason; { and I as well as millions of others since 1776 have served this country to enforce}. Your Oath of Office you took when you were sworn in says to "uphold the Constitution of the United States" How about doing that and not costing the citizens of this country everything they have worked for.  
      I am not prejudice, a bigot, a white supremicist, or any other radical; I'm just pissed, {but not rich enough to save our country}. I'm not against immigration just ENFORCE the LAWS we have. There are guidelines to follow to become an American citizen IF YOU WANT the benefits of being a citizen { healthcare, a job, an education, I can't afford to pay for mine let alone yours}. ALSO learn to speak to me in the language of our country { I should NOT have to push 1 for English, 2 for Spanish, 3 so on and so forth}.  

3 rivers stadium and Gateway Majestic

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