Christine's Gone With the Wind Page

How I Became A Windie

Believe it or not, it was my Husband that introduced me to GWTW when we first started dating. I fell in love with the movie immediately, and my obsession with all things relating to GWTW started. After seeing the movie, I read the book. I am glad I saw the movie first, there was so much in the book that couldn't be fit into the movie, and If I had read the book first, I would have been disapointed in the omissions. I have also read Scarlett , the much debated sequel. I will post my opinions on Scarlett at a later time. Terry also got me started with collecing, buying me some of my first memorabelia, now, my GWTW collection is steadily growing, see the link at the bottom of the page. So it is thanks to Terry that I can count myself a Windie.

Why I Love Gone With the Wind

There are so many things that make Gone With the Wind so great. First on my list are the Characters. There are no shallow characters in Gone With the Wind. Every character had a depth that I feel is rarely seen in books today, This depth is not as easy to see in the movie, but if you look, you can find it. I plan to post a segment on each character in the future to show you this depth that I am referring to. Another important factor in the success of Gone With the Wind, the movie, is the selection of the cast. No Self respecting Windie could see anyone else but Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable as Scarlett and Rhett. Each Cast member did a superb job of bringing out the depth in the character they portrayed. A segment on each Cast Member is planned for the future of this page also. But, in all actuality, the Characters and Cast would have gone nowhere if it weren't for the Margaret Mitchell's Story itself. Gone With the Wind is a story of Strength and Weaknesses, Struggles and Triumphs. Scarletts Strengths and Struggles are well known. But lets not forget the Struggles of Rhett, fighting within himself, Loving Scarlett from the moment he saw her but constantly keeping it hidden from her. The struggles of Ashley, struggling to survive for his family when he has no will to survive in the world that is so changed. And Melanie, Struggling with her physical weakness to hold her family, and her civilization together. Gone With the Wind is not only a story about the Civil War between the Northern and Southern States of America, But also a story about the internal wars of its characters.

GWTW Photo Gallery... with quotes from the movie.

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