The river is flowing at the
First Assembly of God Church in Clearlake, California.
Ezekiel 47:1-12

We asked the LORD to pour His Spirit over us and to change our lives. II Chronicles 7:14

We believed Him for His promise.Matthew 5:6

We searched our heartsPsalm 139:23-24 and repented.Acts 3:19

We confessed to one another as needed.James 5:16

We waited patiently on the LORD.James 5:7-11

The LORD is faithful and He has fullfilled His promise.Matthew 5:6

He has poured His Spirit over us and He has changed our lives.Ezekiel 47:12

We celebrate and rejoice in what the LORD has done, is doing, and will do, and we put our confidence in this promise:Philippians 1:6

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