Wilkes County, North Carolina


Here is some information about my home area . Wilkes County is a large county in Northwest North Carolina. It was created by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1777 and came into existance officially February 15, 1778. A famous slogan for Wilkes is "The Great State of Wilkes"which came from the assumption that at the time of its formation the western boundry was the Mississippi River. Wilkes County was named after John Wilkes of England a Member of Parliment and Lord Mayor of London.

The first settler of theWilkes County area was Christopher Gist who came to the land that was later to beome Wilkes County in aproximately 1750. He came from Maryland. He was a guide and explorer and led George Washington to the french forts on the Ohio during the French and Indian War. One of his sons, Nathanial had a child by an "Indian princess" , the child was Sequoyah who invented the Cherokee alphabet. Gist home was on the Yadkin River near what is now the town of Wilkesboro, NC.

Another famous settler was Daniel Boone. He built a home in what was later Wilkes in the 1760's at Holmans Ford on the Yadkin River. This is aproximately 8 miles up the Yadkin from Wilkesboro. He later moved to Kentuchy and later Missouri.

The Moravian Church was also one of the earliest land owners and explorers of the land on the upper Yadkin River. They aquired two tracts of land where the towns of Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro now stand in 1752. This tract was called Mulberry Fields and was the located near what is now the towns of Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro..

Another famous Wilkes County native was Tom Dula who was hung for the murder of a girlfriend and later made famous in a song by the Kingston Trio. "Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley. His tombstone can be found in the Ferguson community of Wilkes.

My ancesters, the Rhoades's came to Wilkes County from Virginia in 1780 when Sarah Rhoades, her mother the Widow Abshire, her three children and her three brothers settled on land near Mulberry Creek in northern Wilkes County. I am of the belief that her husband John Rhoades was probably killed in the Revolutionary War although some beleive he later came to Wilkes and died here. Other ancesters are Hayes,Adams,Townsend,Abshire(later Absher), Millers, Warrens, Brooks, Reynolds and Whittingtons.

My seventh great grandfather back was Capt. Robert Cleveland who was one of the officers of the mountain men who fought at Kings Mtn. against the British under Lord Cornwallis. His home still stands behind the Old Wilkes Jail and is the oldest home still standing in the county. He and his Brother Col. Benjamin Cleveland ,who was one of the commanders, were both from Wilkes County. Also Capt. Samuel Johnson another Kings Mountain officer was one of my great-grandfathers.

Wilkes is home to the three towns of Wilkesboro, North Wilkesboro, and Rhonda. Wilkesboro was founded in 1847. It is the county seat. Some of the prominent industries include Tyson-Holly Farms Chicken, Ithaca Industries, Golden Needles Glove, and First Union Bank has an office complex there. North Wilkesboro was formed on the north side of the Yadkin River in 1892 as a result of the railroad being built on that side of the river. Some of its prominent industries areLowes Companies, Carolina Mirror, Gardner Mirror, Bassett-Walker, Buster-Brown,American-Drew Furniture,Shaver-Howard Furniture,Nancy-King Textiles,Melody Textiles,and Meadows-Mill . Rhonda is a small town in the eastern part of the county.

Wilkes is also the home of the Merle Watson Festival,a large country music and bluegrass festival, which is held in the spring at the Wilkes Community College in Wilkesboro. Many famous country music and bluegrass stars are showcased there every year.

Also every fall North Wilkesboro Hosts the Brushy Mountain Apple Festival. This event features mountain crafts and the local Brushy Mountain grown apples of the area. It is held on the downtown streets of North Wilkesboro and usually draws large crowds.


Another Wilkes County attraction is the Stone Mountain State Park located near Traphill, a township in the Northeast portion of the county. Stone Mountain is a large granite dome shaped mountain that is the centerpiece of the park. The park has areas for hiking, camping and picnic areas. A trail can be followed to the top of the mountain. A great deal of wildlife can be found here. Also the Blue Ridge Parkway follows the northern borders of the county at the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains. A resorvoir in the central portion of the county called W. Kerr Scott lake is a great place for fishing, skiing, swimming, and camping. Also the county has many streams that can be fished for trout during that season. And Wilkes is also a good place to hunt during the various hunting seasons.

Visit Wilkes County Soon! We would love to have you as a guest!

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Written by William Lynnn Rhoades 03/01/97 11:12:28 PM

This is an unofficial Wilkes County Page and is not affiliated with any government agency. All content is my personal opinion.