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don curry - 07/07/00 23:13:29
My Email:don.curry@gte.net

nice website,somsday I might try to put one together.I'm new in your group looking for ET,any suggestions on speeding things up a bit.I think my processor is the only thing really slowing me down.I've been working at the postr office as a PTF Clerk for the past 2 years still getting the feel of things.Luckly the post office and town is somewhat small,but for me not being window trained it makes it difficult for me to get in 40 hours a week,I'm lucky to work 35,although are letter carriers put in most the time 44 to 50 hours a week take care Don

Larry Reeves - 05/31/00 23:05:57
My Email:LER1701@aol.com

Just joined your SETI group.

Shannon - 10/17/99 03:48:41
My URL:http://Geocities.com/SouthBeach/Suite/1412/Bratpage.html
My Email:da_phat_brat@yahoo.com

Like the page. I was on a search looking for another William Lynn. U're the wrong one;P Still....love the page=)~

10/03/98 21:36:01
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

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