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Dichele's Kitties
Simba, Nayla and Shadow
Simba won third place in the "MEOW Shelter's Rescued Kitty Contest" Click here to visit MEOW.
"Award He Won"
Well I knew Nayla being in the fridge was good for something, she won February's Funny Kitty Contest. Click here to go see some of the other winners.
| "Award She Won"
There was a stray cat at my mother’s house and he was fighting outside with another cat. A neighbor threw a hard metal chair to break them up and the chair hit the stray in his back and he ran screaming. We looked for him all over and could not find him. About 3 weeks went by and he came crawling out from underneath the abandoned house next door hardly able to walk. My mom called and left a message on my answering machine that he was in her backyard and he couldn't stand up, would I take him in until he healed and we would find him a home. I took him to the vets the next day and the vet said he would have to keep him there for tests. I left not knowing if I would ever see him again. The vet called later that day and said the tests showed that his pelvic bone was broken in the back in 3 places and fractured in the front in 4 places and that a piece of bone was floating and not attached to anything and he didn’t think he would ever heal correctly because the healing process had already started during the 3 weeks he was under the house unable to get up for food, water or help. When I brought him home, he couldn't jump up onto anything, as soon as he put pressure on his back legs, he would collapse to the ground. He grew to depend on my help and I didn't mind at all. He started sucking on the sleeves of my clothes and making mittens like a kitten would do with his mommy, I asked the vet about it and the vet said he was taken from his mother too soon and he does it as a sense of security and it is a very hard habit to break them of. When I see the look in his eyes afterwards, I would never try to break him of this habit, he looks so content. One day I came home from work and there he was on the couch all cuddled up, I knew then that he was on the road to recovery. Oh by the way, I never found him a home, instead I got him "neutered", named him SIMBA and gave him the best home I knew, MINE. This was about 2 years ago and Simba is all healed now. After having him a year, I thought it was time to get him a friend, I went to the Local Animal Shelter and was looking in the cages and in the cage on the end I couldn’t see anything in there, but there was a tag on the cage that said "FEMALE, 10 WEEKS OLD", so I got closer and there she was sitting in the corner of the cage, in the shadow, with her little head hung low and I picked her up and held her close to me and she purred like a real good built motor. I knew she was the one. They said she was abandoned and someone had surrendered her to The Animal Shelter a week prior. At my first vet visit with her I was told she is a TortoiseShell Calico. She is so very dainty and lovable. I named her NAYLA. At 6 months old, I took Nayla in to be "spayed", Simba missed her dearly while she was at the vets. Well, I put alot of thought into it and I wanted to give another kitty a chance at having a good home so I went on July 19, 1997 and adopted a little 9 week old "neutered" male from the SPCA. He is part Siamese, all black, with a few white hairs on his chin and under his arm pits. He has a couple white patches on his chest, belly and toes. We named him SHADOW. Named that because he moves SO fast, that's all you see. He is beautiful and fitting in perfectly with Simba and Nayla. I think Nayla likes him around because more toys are being bought for their toy box and a new kitty bed and kitty condo have been bought so she has more things to play with. Simba just loves everything and everyone, Simba licks Shadow's ears and keeps him clean and tidy. I love them all so dearly and it saddens me terribly how disregarded animals in this society are. I can’t count how many times I hear people say "Animals don’t know any different or they can't feel anything", Simba, Nayla and Shadow are the most affectionate animals I have ever known and I think it is because they know I took them in and gave them a good home and lots of love.
They Do Know The Difference
Click on both banners to go to 2 wonderful sites to voice your disgust on this cruelty.
Please click here to HELP! We have to fight for those who can not fight for themselves!
Stick Together! Join in the Purple Ribbon Campaign
If anyone is listening out there, PLEASE HELP! And these kids are supposed to be the future, God Help Us!
If this site doesn't make you want to fight for abused animals, I dont know what will.
Indiana students set cats on fire! I am so heartbroken to say Olivia crossed over the Rainbow Bridge 10/12/97. Don't let her be forgotten or the abusers forgiven.
Animal Abuse in Puerto Rico, Bring your Tissue for this one!
Please help to stop COONHUNTING.
All us kitties must get together and help these 5 doggies. Please click on the banner and see what you can do to help.
Another burning of an innocent cat, WHY? Because the jerks accused of the abuse at Noah's Ark were found NOT GUILTY. That is a message to all mental abusers that they can do it and get away with it!
How can a parent have that little control over their child? How can they not know theres something mentally wrong with them? I dont see this as being their first offense, its too horrendous! Why arent they stopped before they kill again?
Nadas needs our help!
| Nadas life spared! WE WON!
This is a WONDERFUL Web Page dealing with Cat Rescue. You have to read this one!
I will never look at Raccoons the same way again after reading these loving stories, I love this Site. Visit the Gables and read their Raccoon rescue stories.
This is a wonderful site. Also, please read about Tigger's illness and say a prayer for her.
This is a very cute kitty site. This is one very loved little kitty.
Pictures of My Kitties - July 1997
New Pictures of My Kitties - Dec 1997
New Pictures of My Kitties - Feb 1998
Pictures of My Human Family
My Pictures of Famous People Page 1
My Pictures of Famous People Page 2
My "I Saved A Duck" Story
Simba, Nayla and Shadow's Home Page!..their story in their words
A Story about my cat Taz! He lives with my mom.
Information on Cats.
Awards I have received Page 1
Awards I have received Page 2
Awards I have received Page 3
Animal Rings Simba, Nayla and Shadow are in.
Days Left Until My Next Birthday
A page dedicated to cat rescue. A wonderful woman runs it, click here to see for yourself!
This site is an Excellent Helpful Informative Kitty Site. If you need help or you want to help, this is the place to go!
Stewart is a great guy, Check out his web page.
This is a wonderful site, read Lisa's story about her tragedy and her determination & love that reunited her with her kitties.
M.E.O.W."Making Each Orphan Wanted"..featuring kitties for adoption
This Cat Site is Great!(2 Paws Up)
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Since January 27, 1998. Thank you for visiting my home page!
This page was created on July 11, 1997.
© 1997 Dichele@aol.com
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