The Councillors for Twyford

Parish CouncilChairmanMr D Hymers
Vice-ChairmanMr R G Mantel
CouncillorsMrs L ChadertonMr J A Crawford
Mr N CrushMrs L M Dane
Mr C R DeanMr R J Fort
Mrs S MiddletonMr J E Pearce
Mrs J RobinsonMr M Stillman
Mr D A TeagleMr R V Thomas
Mr G Wright
Clerk to the Parish CouncilMrs A Jacobs6 Wessex Gardens RG10 OAY
Wokingham District CouncilRepresentativesMr S Conway20 Arnside Close, Twyford
Mrs C FerrisThe Corner House, Station Road, RG10 9NG
Mrs D Tomlin3 Swans Court, Twyford, RG10 0AZ
ParlimentMPTheresa MayHouse of Commons, London

Parish Notice Boards

The Parish Council provides a number of notice boards at various sites around the village. These are mainly intended for Council Notices, some of which, such as notification of meetings, we are required to display by law. Subject to space being a available, the Council is happy for them to be used by non-profit making organisations in the village to advertise specific events on paper no larger then A4(A5 is preferable). Notices should not be displayed more than a week or two in advance of the event and should be removed immedciatly afterwards. If you would like to make use of the facilty, please contact the Clerk as she holds the kays to the boards. They are located as follows:

London Road, opposite the Almshouses
On the right, as you enter Broad Hinton from Waltham Road
Facing the entrance to Broadwater Road.
On the left, as you enter Amberley Drive from Wargrave Road.
In Colleton Drive, outside the school.
There is also a Community Noticeboard provided by Railtrack on platform 4 at the station. Please contact the Chargehand at the station if you wish to use this board.

Election Results

The results from the last election held on the 2nd May 1997 for Twyford are as follows:

Election Results for Twyford

Theresa MayConservative25,344
Andrew KetteringhamLib Dem13,363
Denise RobsonLabour9,205
Charles TavernerReferendum1,638
David MunkleyLiberal896
N.SpiersUK Independent277
K. ArdleyGLOW166

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