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Welcome to my Little Abode

Let's talk about dolls, quilting, dolls, china painting & dolls!

I collect dolls, especially old dolls, I like to try to restore them to their natural being. I also have collectable dolls. I have a lot of Effenbee, Horseman, and Madame Alexander dolls, & would love to talk with anyone who collects also. I have too many to mention here, but let's talk!

I have put up pictures of some of my dolls on this site too.

I also do a lot of quilting. I have made hundreds of quilts, and I do my own quilting by hand or sewing machine.

I would be interested in swapping patterns with you if you are interested.

I have some quilt patterns on the site too, so check back once in a while to see new patterns added.

I also make Raggedy Ann and Andy Dolls.

I also paint on china. I have my own kiln and have made lots of plates, cups, pictures, you name it, I have probably made it. I have lots of patterns for this too.

Some more interests of mine are making Teddy Bears and numerous other craft items.

Site Menu

Since GeoCities seems determined to not keep a working guestbook, I have decided to remove the guestbook from my site. I have enjoyed and appreciated all those who have signed my book WHEN it worked in the past and I thank you.

My Favorite Links

Eva's Doll Shop
A cute Raggedy Ann & Andy Page
A good Doll page
Adorable Doll Clothes
Quilting from the Heartland
My Genealogy Page
GlobalFriends International Dolls

We survived the CRC!


WOW, I sure didn't expect this!
Thank you, Wendy!

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I would love to communicate with you if you have similar interests.

Email me if you want to share ideas!

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