Descendants of Jacob Collins

Generation No. 1

1. JACOB1 COLLINS was born 1794 in NY/PA1, and died in Athens Co, OH. He married CYNTHIA SPENCER.

Generation No. 2

2. OLIVER2 COLLINS (JACOB1) was born 1817 in Bradford Co, PA, and died June 21, 1869 in Hocking Co, OH2. He married SUSANNAH (SUSAN) BARROW/S September 13, 1839 in Hocking Co, OH3.

Notes for OLIVER COLLINS: Have cival war -record & widows pension records

More About OLIVER COLLINS: Fact 2: Tick Ridge, Hocking Co, OH

Notes for SUSANNAH (SUSAN) BARROW/S: According to "Cival War Pension records" Susan couldn't read or write and she also had trouble remembering her childrens birth dates.

Generation No. 3

3. MELISSA JANE3 COLLINS (OLIVER2, JACOB1) was born April 01, 1859 in Starr twp, Hocking Co, OH7. She married JESSE JOSEPH COCHRAN October 07, 1876 in Hocking Co., OH8.

4. ANDREW S.3 COLLINS (OLIVER2, JACOB1) was born August 06, 1863 in Starr twp, Hocking Co, OH11, and died January 21, 1938 in Glouster, Athens Co, OH12. He married (1) LOUSIA BELL RODMAN October 11, 1890 in Hocking Co, OH12, daughter of ISSAC RODMAN and MARIAH STEWART. He married (2) MARGARET/MAGGIE LEFLER-RILEY April 30, 1904 in Athens Co, OH.

Notes for ANDREW S. COLLINS: Andrews occupation was a "Miner". On his second marrige licence he signed his name with an X. Have copy of Andrew and Louisa's divorce record.

More About ANDREW S. COLLINS: Fact 2: Nye Cem, Athens Co, OH

Generation No. 4

5. OLIVE EMELINE4 COCHRAN (MELISSA JANE3 COLLINS, OLIVER2, JACOB1) was born September 22, 1885 in Union Furnace, Hocking Co, OH17, and died 194717. She married LEE WEMMER December 02, 190117.

6. ASA BUSHNELL4 COLLINS (ANDREW S.3, OLIVER2, JACOB1) was born January 02, 1896 in Starr twp, Hocking Co, OH18, and died November 12, 1952 in Akron, Summit Co, OH18. He married STELLA MARGARET MELLOT August 21, 1919 in Akron, Summit Co, OH18.

Notes for ASA BUSHNELL COLLINS: Left the home of his mother and stepfather at a very young age. Asa never spoke of his parents.

7. FLORA MAY4 COLLINS (ANDREW S.3, OLIVER2, JACOB1) was born September 07, 1899, and died November 20, 1975 in Jackson, Jackson Co, MI20. She married (1) DOYLE SANDERS November 17, 1917 in Hocking Co, OH20. She married (2) EMMETT DAVID ARTHUR ASHBAUGH October 02, 1920 in Lancaster, Fairfield Co, OH20.

Notes for FLORA MAY COLLINS: !Death record says mother is "Bertha Wolf"----Birth and/or death records have been located and obtained for every child Andrew and Louisa had (even the ones by their second marriages), but nothing for Flora. Flora always said that when she was 10 years old, she left home and lived with an aunt and uncle---she cooked, cleaned, did laundry & took care of their baby for her keep. Flora told her daughter Betty that when she was 13, she went home to visit her mother. She laid in bed that night and heard her mother crying "please don't hit me anymore". The next morning she went into her mother bedroom to check on her and her mother was dead. Flora sid that David Grant Cochran had beaten her mother to death. Every bone in her body was broke. Flora said that her mother was only 4 ft. tall, very small and pettit. -------I have found nothing that verifies this story-------------------------------------------------------

Flora also told Betty that she was married once before----Doyle Sanders------------- She said that she had one miscarriage and one stillborn child by Doyle. (I have this divorce record also). Flora said that Doyle beat her------at their divorce trial the judge asked Doyle "why do you hit her?" Doyle replied "because she won't give me any children".----------this is what Flora has said.---------the judge then responded "Man she's already given you two, what more do you want". *****I have not a clue what this means***** I found a birth record for a boy-----born ALIVE------parents Flora Collins and Doyle Sanders. There was no death record. I also have a picture of Flora at a rather young age with two little girls, somebody had wrote on the picture Flora and Sanders Girls.

More About FLORA MAY COLLINS: Fact 2: Pleasant Grove, Jackson Co, MI Fact 8: have marriage recd---Hocking Co. OH Fact 9: have divorce recd---Hocking Co. Ohio--for first marriage Fact 10: have death recd--Jackson Co., MI

More About DOYLE SANDERS: Fact 8: have marriage recd--Hocking Co. OH Fact 9: have divorce recd---Hocking Co. OH Fact 10: have death recd---Hocking Co. OH

8. VIRGLE BUSHNELL4 COLLINS (ANDREW S.3, OLIVER2, JACOB1) was born August 12, 1913 in Redtown, Ayhens Co, OH, and died November 26, 1981 in Glouster, Athens Co, OH. He married LEOMA IDA BELL BOOKMAN/BUCKMAN.

2. cemetery index & picture of tombstone
3. record of:
4. census recds, cival war pension recds & Athens Co. Fam. Hist.
5. pedigree chart---Judith Burkhart
6. census recds, cival war pension recds & Athens Co. Fam. Hist.
7. family info, census recds, cival war pension recds. & Athen Co. Fam. Hist
8. LDS--microfilm
9. family info
10. record of:
11. census recds, cival war pension recds & Athens Co. Fam. Hist.
12. record of:
13. obit & picture of tombstone
14. record of:
15. death recd
16. record of:
17. family info
18. record of:
19. family info
20. record of:
21. obit & picture of tombstone
22. record of:
23. obit & picture of tombstone
24. record of:
25. obit & picture of tombstone
26. record of:
27. family story
28. newspaper article--obit--picture of tombstone
29. obit & picture of tombstone
30. record of:
31. obit & picture of tombstone
32. record of: