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"Intercession: love on it's knees in prayer !!"
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If you have a prayer request, please read on.

This homepage is a dedication to what The Lord has done in a small group of people’s lives. We are a homecell that is part of the Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria, South Africa. All the people in our cell are students at the University of Pretoria. If you want to know more about our city, church or university, you can click on the links at the bottom of this page.

One thing that we have learned as a cell group, is that God doesn’t care where you come from, He is only interested in where you are going. Some of us have been involved in anything from witchcraft to drug abuse, while other’s have been serving the Lord since they were small. He doesn’t love one of us more because we’ve been a christian longer than the other. He loves everyone with His whole heart, especially those people who aren’t saved yet

Another thing we have learned, and many people make this mistake, is that christianity isn’t a religion. It isn’t something based on doctrines or what other people tell you to do. Serving God is a way of life. It means dying to yourself and living a new, better life. It isn’t about the amount of books you read or whether you only listen to gospel music. It’s about whether you know God. Is He your best friend, your brother, your Lord and your King. And more important, can He say that you are His friend and brother? That is propably the most important question you can ever ask yourself; The day when you die and get to heaven, will God call you by your name and say He is glad to see you, or will He say to you, I don’t know you, go away from me.

Okay, here are the wonderfull people in our cell:

You might be asking yourself what the purpose of this page is. Well, except for the fact that this page is just here to say that


we are here to help you. If you have any problems or trials, we want to help by praying for you, because we know that God answers prayers. Also, if you would like any of our testimonies to what God has done in our lives, just email us, and we'll send it to you as soon as possible.

I know all of this should bring tears to your eyes, but if you still have no idea why in heavens name we should be praying for you, CLICK HERE for some info about prayer.

If you would like us to pray for you, please type in your request in the form below and press the [Yes, please pray for me] button

Your e-mail adress:

Please press [enter] after every line

We will add your prayer to our list and keep praying for at least 7 days


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