To view any of the pictures in my album, click once on the name!

Giles Corey
Zoe Robinson My maternal grandmother
John LuRolf Robinson My Great Grandfather
Luke Teeple My Great-Great-Great-Grandfather
Maurice McKinley Spillane My Great-Grand Uncle and his wife Terry
Shirley Gill at age 12 or 13.
William Maxwell Gill My Maternal Great-Great-Grandfather
Zoe Robinson 4 Generation Photo
Joseph Turner Batson and Martha Louise Lyon My paternal great-grandparents (Grandfather's side)
Nola Beatrice McFadin My paternal great-grandmother (Grandmother's side)
Herman Weir My paternal Great-Grandfather (Grandmother's side)
Agnes Weir and Turner Batson My paternal grandparents
Shirley Gill/Stephen Batson, Sr.My Parents in 1976 and in 1957
Agnes Eloise (Weir) Batson and Zoe(Robinson)Gill My paternal and maternal grandmothers.
George and Zoe Gill My maternal grandparents
Mary (Spillane) RobinsonMy maternal great-grandmother, Age 86 - 1980
John Gill/Ida May WhitmoreMy maternal great grandparents
Greg Batson My High School Senior Portrait (1980) and a picture of me taken October 2007
Me, My grandmother Zoe Robinson and my cousin Dede Brown
My extended family photo album four generations of photos