OK, here is the "Other Topics" as listed on my front page!!
Genealogy is not my only interest. I also enjoy tropical fish, and some day I'd like to try my hand at saltwater aquariums, but I'm afraid I'd probably mess it up, and saltwater aquariums can become rather costly to maintain, not to mention the higher cost of the saltwater fish!
I enjoy video and computer games. I have a Nintendo Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and a Nintendo Gamecube!! :) I guess you can say I'm a Nintendo JUNKIE! I also have a Sega Genesis and a Sega Nomad (A handheld Genesis), and while I enjoy both of those systems, they don't make games for them anymore. Oh well, Sonic the Hedgehog is fun...:) I purchased a Playstation 2 and am enjoying that quite a bit with Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City among other games!
I have many of the Sierra computer adventure games (Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.). I enjoy a good computer adventure and in my opinion, Sierra has produced some of the best adventure games around!
All total, I probably own more than 200 Nintendo games (that's all of the game systems that I have) and probably 20 sierra games. I'm also finding myself hooked on the simulation games, such as Zoo Tycoon, Pharaoh, Sim City, etc. Those games can be a lot of fun but also can get a little maddening if you get too involved!!
I'm a movie buff and have built a decent collection of videos of all types. I enjoy a good comedy, drama, mystery, horror, sci-fi (to include Star Trek), thriller and am a collector of Disney classic animation videos. My family has tagged me as "Mr. Trivia" because they think I know so much about movies. I admit I have a good memory for such things, but I'm not as good at movie trivia as my family would like to believe! :) (grin)
I'm also a fan of several comic strips. My all time favorite has to be "Calvin & Hobbes" and I was sad to see that strip end. Also I enjoy "Dilbert" and "Luann", Fox Trot, Cathy, Peanuts and Garfield to name a few.

Greg's Comic Strip Zone

- Some of my graphics came from here!!

- Link here for 3D flags seen on these pages!

Science Fiction Links
(more links to come as I find time!)
The Sci-Fi Channel
The Official Star Wars Home Page
The Star Trek Experience (Las Vegas)
The Back to the Future Web Site