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From time to time we will showcase a promising youngster. At this time, we love how Cody and Lucy are maturing, and are excited about their possible show/breeding career. Both are as cute as can be, with gorgeous head planes and fun personalities. Patty is a recent addition to our sheltie family. We look forward to watching these youngsters grow into a lovely adults.
Introducing Cambridge Bella Luce and litter brother, Paray's
Cambridge, and Primo Patina
"Cody" BISS Ch. Sundance Adastra X Ch. PaRay's Passion Flower
Since going to PaRay Shelties with Tray Pittman and Paul Flores, Cody proved the initial promise he exhibited as a very young puppy. See Cody all grown up on our Elsewhere Page.
BISS Ch. Sundance Adastra X Ch. PaRay's Passion Flower

This show picture is of our Lucy at 10 1/2 mos. of age taking Reserve and Best Bred-By Exhibitor at the Linn County KC.

Our Lucy, Cambridge Bella Luce, also from the litter that produced the beautiful Ch. PaRay's Cambridge, is making her presence known in the breed ring in the Pacific Northwest. To date, she has won Best Of Breed over a Champion and a Major Reserve, in very limited showing. We are so proud of this gal who is just a year old.
"Patty" Ch SeaHaven's Sharper Image X SeaHaven Primo Victorian Lace
Patty started out her show career with a bang - see above show photo. She is now taking some time off from the show ring to have a litter sired by the wonderful black dog, Ch. Macdega Notorious. Please see our Litters & Breedings page for a picture of Nathan.