Genealogy Group
The history of the Beckleheimer/Picklesimer/Behymer name is anything but complete. We have yet to document the entry of this family into the United States or our common ancestor. We have however found some convincing evidence that points to one Johann George Bechtelsheimer. Johann was a minister for the Church of the Brethren at Amwell, NJ in 1738. He succeeded Jahannes Naas in this position.
The family eventually migrated to Virginia, which is where we find them in 1780's. At that time we find two family members Abraham and John. We believe that both of these are children of Johann George Bechtelsheimer. We can't say for sure at what time they arrived in Virginia and exactly where they came from. There is documented evidence to say that they once resided in Maryland, or came through Maryland during their travels to Virginia.
It does appear that the ancestral lines of the Virginia families start in Rhineland (currently West Germany), then traveling to Pennsylvania on to New Jersey through Maryland and into Virginia. Once in Virginia the family seemed to split off in several directions. A large portion of the family headed for Clermont County, OH. Another faction of the family headed toward the Carolinas. A third faction of the family went into the Eastern Kentucky region. Yet another faction settled in the Northern and Central counties in Kentucky. There were smaller factions that stayed in Virginia and West Virginia.
Recently a few people, including myself, got together to join efforts on our research. The purpose of our Behymer Genealogy group is to connect these families together and connect them to the common progenitor. For this reason we have decided that portions of the website will deal specifically with each separate group, thus giving the researcher easier access to the lines that they seek. Some of our information will be consolidated such as our individual family lines and our photo section.
My name is Jennifer Estes Black and I am the host for this page. Please email me at if you have any questions.
Information was last added to this website on 8/4/97.
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