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Ruby & Ed Groebe Family

Welcome to this family home web page. Browse this and the referred pages to learn something about the Groebe Grand Children and other Family Members and Pets.

Welcome to our two new grandsons, Jameson and Matthew.

Return frequently to see the changes we make.

Don't ask me what these comments mean. They are from the kids and some don't make any sense to me either.


Dusty Arcane power brings distruction.
Doug "It seems like only yesterday

Our lives together planned

They say it's just a passing phase

We're damned by our youth

Why does no one understand

What we have is real

This is not your average love; it's forever"

Dave I was willing to compromise, you was not.
Mike You touchy the embacey, i breakey you face
John That's the bottom line!
Because Stone Cold said so!
Indy race was awesome.
Nick Got my first 1st Place Trophy for motocross.
Mira Preschool and dance keep me busy..
Sophia I'm helping my sister have fun.
Sevilla I came early to see what's going on.
Jameson The Illini Chief needed another fan .
Matthew I'll help on the farm.


Our Family's Favorite Links

Ruby & Ed's Other Family Pages


This page was created by Ed Groebe.
The last update to the page was on November 22,2005.
