A Loveletter to the Lord

Thank You, Jesus, for loving me so tenderly even though I am far less than perfect. Thank You for washing me "white as snow" with Your Blood, and for providing the path and the gateway to my Home Eternal by going from the cradle to the cross for me.

Thank You for the raging storms that have beset my life, so that I might be drawn ever closer to You, and for washing my eyes with tears, that I am better able to see just how much I need You in my life. Thanks, I love You!

Thank You for the faith that has sustained me over the many 'lumps and bumps' of life, and for my sense of humor that has taken me through the school of hard knocks with a smile in my heart.

Thank You for carrying me in Your Arms when I was heartbroken, and too tired and weary to take another step. Even in the worst of times, I felt warm and safe, wearing the cloak of love and protection that You placed tenderly around my shoulders, and even in the loneliest of times, I was never truly alone, for You were ever there beside me, loving me and caring for me, holding my hand, and kissing my cheek with the awesome beauty of Your creation. Yes, Lord, I thank You with all my heart....for You were my only friend, my Faithful Friend, and the only Friend I truly needed.

Thank You for the warming sunshine and the refreshing rain, and for the wonderful aroma in the air as the rains first start to fall. Thank You for the sweetness of the flowers and the majesty of the mountains. Thank You for the spaciousness of the seas, and for the birds and the beasts that abound upon our earth, so that our lives may be pleasured with beauty. Thank You for the verdant fields and fertile soil that provides our rich harvest. Help us to take better care of this temporary home You have given us, so that we, and those who follow, will have a healthier, safer life.

Help us also, Lord, to take better care of one another...to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and to look upon the needy and less fortunate with charitable generosity, for whatsoever we do unto the least of them, we do unto You, Lord.

Help us also to look upon the sick and weary with a compassionate heart that upholds their needs to You in prayer. Help us to walk in our brother's moccasins, to accept the diversities we see in mankind, and to not judge others harshly and unfairly, for even You, Lord, came not to judge nor condemn the world, but to save it, and to teach us to love one another even as You love us.....

Thank You for all the special people that bless my life with love, joy, care, and prayers. Watch over them and protect them, Lord, and fill their lives with an abundance of joy and happiness, just as they have filled mine.

Thank You for the beautiful Emerald City in which I live, and for ferryboat rides on starlit nights while her lovely citylights twinkle into view, presenting unequivocal testimony of her elegance. Thank You for my home, be it ever so humble, and for the bread upon my table. Thank You for my dear little birdies that sing and cheer my days, and amuse me with their silly little antics, and for my wee fishies that swim around and around in their aquarium playing 'ring around the fin,' and 'hidey in the castle,' and other such silly fishie games.

Thank You for the trees outside my window that remind me of You. Thank You for the sounds of the rustling leaves and falling rain that I so love to listen to as I say my bedtime prayers, and for the soft breeze that blows across my face through the open window at night. Thank You for the music that touches my heart, and for the fire that warms my hearth.

Thank You for my Bible, Lord. Within its pages are the instructions to take me every step of the way towards my goal of eternal life with You in Heaven. It reassures me daily that You will NEVER leave me, nor forsake me.....that You hold me tenderly in the palm of Your hand, that You will be with me always, even unto the end of the world. Yes Lord, it is Your loveletter to me, and I thank You from the bottom of my heart.

I thank You, Lord, for Your omniscience that makes this prayer unnecessary, for You see inside my heart. Without a single word from me You know my every thought, my every need, my every longing, my every heartache. Before I was even conceived, You knew the very number of hairs on my head.

I thank You for the voice with which to speak of my gratitude to You, and for the instrument of cyberspace, with which I am able to 'shout it from a mountaintop' just how much I love You, and thank You for being my Shepherd, my Healer, my Redeemer, my Master, my Guide, my Protector, my Saviour, my Anchor......and Yes Lord, my very Best Friend.

I love You, Lord....I am Yours, and You are mine. Thank You, Jesus, from the bottom of my heart.

November 17, 1997

Matthew 28:20.....Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Isaiah 41:10.....So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 27:10... Although my father and my mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord will take me up as His child.

Thanks, Janis, for this beautiful award!

The Rail
Stayin' on the right track!
"The Pilgrimage Rail"

Picture of Jesus by Francis Hook
Title graphic obtained at FreeStockPhoto
Original title graphic by Kitty may be seen here
Music playing is entitled "Lord, You Are Beautiful," sequencer unknown.