Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, Make Me An Instrument Of Thy Peace

Where there is hate that I may bring love,

Where there is offence that I may bring pardon,

Where there is discord that I may bring union,

Where there is error that I may bring truth,

Where there is doubt that I may bring faith,

Where there is despair that I may bring hope,

Where there is darkness that I may bring light,

Where there is sadness that I may bring joy,

Make me not so much to be consoled as to console;

Not so much to be loved as to love;

Not so much to be understood as to understand;

For it is in giving that one receives;

It is in self-forgetfulness that one finds;

It is in pardoning that one is pardoned;

It is in dying that one finds eternal life."

"Let There be Peace"

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