(As prayed by me....)
OUR Father! You are the Creator of ALL nations! You abide in the Heavenly Home that You have created for us. How awesome and beautiful is Your Name to me!
We eagerly await the time when Your kingdom will come and flow over the entire universe, and every nation and all races will live in peace and harmony, and mankind will love their neighbors as themselves. Help us to do Your will here on earth, Father, as we await the day we will join You in heaven.
We thank You for our daily bread and for our "Daily Bread." One supplies our body's needs, and the other feeds our soul and guides us on our walk with You.
Thank You for sending Your Beloved Son from the cradle to the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Help us to wash away even the slightest memory of anger, hurt, and resentment towards those who have grieved us, even as Christ washed away our sins and made us white as snow. Guide our steps so that we do not fall into temptation, and protect us from the evil one.
Oh Father, Yours IS the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory! Now and forever.....
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