"Just Another Spin on the Potter's Wheel"

You begin your spiritual walk as a unworthy, wicked lump of clay. God places you on His potter's wheel and begins to form you. You may say, "I have such rough edges this is very uncomfortable, so please stop." God looks at you with His all-knowing eyes and says, "My child, I have just begun. Bear with me, for I love you."

When He has formed you into shape you may say, "Lord I am in pain and hurting. Please Lord, be finished with me." God looks at you with HIS eyes full of grace and says, "My sweet one, you are not yet done."

God proceeds to put you into the fire to refine you and you say, "Lord this is very hot. It's hurting me, please stop." God looks again at you with HIS ever patient eyes and says, "My dear child, I'm not yet done."

He removes you from the fire and begins to paint you with beautiful colors that you cannot see but can only feel. You will say, "This is uncomfortable, please stop. I don't like this." God looks again at you and says, "My beloved, but you are not yet done."

God proceeds to place you back in the fire to seal you and you scream, "LORD, LORD, I can bear no more. I have been through so much pain and suffering!" God looks at you and says, "My child you're not yet done."

Suddenly the fire goes out and our awsome, graceful, everloving Father gently reaches in and pulls out the most beautiful creation that shines with all of HIS glory. A creation that will never perish but have everlasting life!

You will say with tears in your eyes and thanksgiving in your heart, "My LORD while I was an unworthy, wicked lump of clay. You reached down and saved me and formed me; refined me to be a beautiful vessel to show your grace and glory. To you, my FATHER, goes all the praise. To you, my FATHER, goes all the thanks." Remember when trials come in your life, it's just another spin on the Potter's Wheel; a Potter who loves you and will never leave you.


Thanks, Kris! I am honored to have this awesome message
on my website. I know it will touch the hearts of all who read it.

"Have Thine Own Way, Lord"

Hi! I'm Dovey DooLittle....just grab one of my wings and I'll fly you back to the index page! Hold on tight now!!!
WHEEEEEE.....here we go!!!

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