I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5

Lo, I am with you always,
even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20


~ Leaning Into You ~

I'm leaning into You, Lord,
And no one else will do.
Others try to comfort me,
But I always turn to You.

When life is full of turmoil
and my heart is torn apart,
There's only One to comfort me.
It is You, my Shepherd's Heart.

Others may forsake me
Or break my heart in two.
So when I'm sad or lonely,
I'll always come to You.

As the years and tears go by
And I am getting older,
I've never found such comfort, Lord,
As when resting on Your shoulder.

I thank You Lord, with all my heart
For Your gentle love so true.
I know I'm safe within Your Arms
So I'll just keep leaning into You.

® Paula April 2002