The beautiful Emerald City of Seattle!

Aye, t'is a bonnie city, and I love her dearly, rain and all! Does it REALLY rain here in Seattle as much as people say? Goodness no! T'is true it does rain a wee bit, and just as some materials are inclined to shrink when wet, some of us shrink an inch or two during the rainy season and then gain our full height back for both days of summer season, but we are used to it, and don't mind it too much.

Well, even though I admit it does rain a fair amount around here, that is how we grow all the beautiful trees and greens that abound in our lovely city! And sometimes those trees really come in handy! For instance, if'n ya ferget yer umbrellie one day, ya always have something around that you can use as a make-shift one!!!

Aye, t'is true....We sure do have lots of water in Seattle. We have streams, rivers, and lakes just about everywhere ya look!! Why, there are even three small but very nice lakes within one mile of my house! (No, they are NOT overgrown mud puddles, either!) They are very lovely lakes, and on both days of summer, we all gather in great droves to enjoy our gorgeous lakes while we have the opportunity.

People talk badly about our growing season, but anyone can tell ya we have a great growing season 'round here! Just look around and see all the mosses, ferns, fungi and mushrooms everywhere, and you'll agree that our growing season is just fine. Out-siders often comment on the fact that everybody in Seattle grows grass on their roofs! Now, that's not true at all.....Shhhhh, don't tell anybody, but it is just moss. Why, we even manage to grow moss on the SOUTH side of our trees. Not just every city can manage THAT feat!

They say people in Seattle are rusty. Nope, that isn't true, either. Just because we buy more W-D 40 than sunglasses doesn't mean a thing.......And at least it isn't windy in Seattle like it is in Chicago! Well, USUALLY not, anyway!

Seattle is known as Latte-Land. There are cute little Latte shacks on practically every corner in Seattle. We really NEED those nifty little shacks on every can imagine how great a nice, hot latte tastes on a cold, rainy day!

Seattle is also known as one of the boating capitols of the world. There are tug boats, row boats, ferry boats, sailboats, milkcarton boats, motor boats, and every kind of boat you can think of around Seattle. We NEED those dear boats to get around in this wet town, cuz there sure is a lot of water everywhere!!!

We Seattleites are very proud of our hometown! We don't worry about minor things like rain. We even have a festival every year called the "Bumbershoot Festival," so that thousands of us can gather together at the Seattle Center to show off our lovely umbrellas!

Seattle is often fondly called the "Emerald City." Most people think she is known as the Emerald City because she has so many beautiful green trees and lush green mosses everywhere. But actually, we natives know it is because she is a "true jewel!"

Well, friends I'm going to go sit by a nice warm fire to dry out a wee, and spray my poor rusty joints with some W-D 40.......I'll be back later with more praises, and even some pictures for you!

"Singing in the Rain"

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