What can I say but THANKS, and God bless...!
May angels e're watch over you and keep you safe, my friend..

"I would like to nominate Paula of HeavenSent for your award for her artistic endeavors on a very new page. She has plans for expanding her site to make it even better than it already is, because she is a caring person and her site reflects her inner beauty...."

Wow, Angel, I am so truly grateful for your heart-touching sentiment!
God be with you always, my dearly treasured friend.
And thanks for the confirmation, and God bless Angel 88!

Oh, thanks so much, Carolyn, for your wonderful gift!
I am very honored by your friendship and your gift.
I love you, precious friend!

Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. Your site
has been chosen to be the first recipient of my new award!
"Aura's Five Angel Award of Excellence"
May God's Love and Light touch every corner of your world.
Laura, Aura's Angels

Gosh, thanks a lot, Laura. How dear of you to let me be the first recipient!
I love you, and I'll be seeing you in my prayers, as always.

Thanks, Laura, for this beautiful angel! You are one yourself, Dear!

Thanks so much, WindWalker, for adopting me into
the wonderful, loving family of the House of Love and Support!

Thank you so very much for this precious angel, Precious Friend. I love you.

Thank you, Li'l Sis, for sending me this awesome picture
of "our corner of the world." I love you, Sassy Sis!

Thank you, City Girl. You are special, you are loved.

WOW! An award from "THE" Sissi of Fantasyrealm! Aw, gee thanks!
I am so honored by the award AND your friendship. I love you, too, Sis!

I truly appreciate this award! (Wow, from my community leader, no less!)
Thanks so very much, Wendy! You've really touched my heart!

Thank you so very much, Gail, for this awesome
"Cool site of the Month" award. I am truly honored!

Thank you so very much to this wonderful group of ladies on the internet
for their grand "Inspirational Site of the Week" award!

WOW! What a BEAUTIFUL rose!
I LOVE it...thanks so very much for this georgous award!

Thank you, Roy! What a wonderful and unexpected surprise!

House on the Hill

Just 'knock on the door' to return to the index page.
I hope you are enjoying your visit!

"Teahouse Moon" now playing.

This website created in the beautiful emerald city of Seattle,
home of one of the largest ferry fleet systems in the world
by Paula 1997 All rights reserved