~ On Angel's Wings ~
I picked some blossoms just for you;
you're a special friend so dear.
I'm sending them on angel's wings,
just as you send me prayers.
Skies may turn gray, and rain may fall
yet still within my heart,
I see your ray of "Son"shine,
though we're many miles apart.
You love the Lord with all your heart;
it shows in every way!
You always say such special words.
Oh, how they make my day!
Somehow my heartaches seem to fade
into a gentle, soothing mist,
When angels sent by you arrive,
and I feel their gentle kiss.
And so I picked these flowers, Dear.
and I'm sending them to you
on angel's wings; they'll be there soon!
Thanks for being my special friend so true!
December 2003

Thanks for being my very special friend, my prayer warrior, my confidante, and my favorite mathematician.
You always know just the perfect words to subtract from my fears, add to my joy, divide my burdens, and multiply my blessings.
I love you, Shirley!