What's new with Vic's family
Our Easter break 1998 trip to Florida.
- The Great Flood of January 1998.
- Please look at our Christmas greeting for 1997.
- Laura played the clarinet beautifully at her school's Flag Day ceremony.
- Eric put on a great performance at his piano recital.
- Kirby demonstrates his extraordinary ability to look cute!
- Visit Eric's somewhat strange but creative web site.
The Wild Arms RPG page is generating lots of interest with other kids.
For school he created an earthquake web site.
- Laura's dance recital was held on Saturday, June 21.
- Laura gave a repeat performance on June 28 at a dance competition where her group came in second place. Unfortunately, cameras were not allowed.
- Eric has been doing well in X-country running at school. In the fall season he took several 2nd places and a 1st in the smaller (3-4 school) meets a 4th and a 5th in larger meets.
Vic's email address at work is vheintz@wb.xerox.com(Read frequently, M-f,9:00-5:00)
The family email address is heints-v-b-e-l@worldnet.att.net
Eric gets mail at scuzzyslug@hotmail.com
Laura gets mail at manatee26@hotmail.com
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