Some Heintz Genealogy Information

Most of the Heintz genealogy research was done by second cousin Alva Stone.
Alva has assembled much of her family history on her own web site.

Our great-grandfather, Victor A. Heintz, was born 27 Mar 1850 in Riedseltz, Bas-Rhin, in the Alsace region of Germany/France, the son of Pierre Heintz and Catherine Hubsch. His birth record was recorded in the district of Wissembourg right on the border in the northeast corner of modern day France near Germany. (Census records reported by his son Frank in Florida suggest that his native language may have been French and not German!) On a trip to Riedseltz in November 2006 Vic took this picture of a grave site which may be the final resting place of one of Victor's sisters. (Interestingly, the inscription is in German even though this is technically in France today.)

Victor emigrated to the USA in 1871. Curiously, 1871 marks the end of the Franco-Prussian War when Alsace became a part of the German empire. (Did he emigrate because of the war?) He lived in New Orleans for five years. He married Katherine Schomerer (aka Anna Maria Katrina von Schemerer, born 1853 in Kufstein, Austria, educated in Munich and at convent at Berchtesgaden) in 1875, probably in a Catholic Church, and then moved north to start a family in Medora, Illinois in Macoupin county. He moved with his family around 1899 to Alton, possibly after losing his boot-making/shoe-store business to a fire in 1897. (Someone named Nettie Heintz [daughter Antoinette?]is also mentioned in the context of the Medora fire. Someone named Peter Heintz is mentioned in this Macoupin County document.) He died at his home on 328 Dry St. in Alton on May 9, 1914 at the age of 64. (According to his obituary in the Alton Telegraph dug up by cousin-in-law Sallie Heintz)

This is believed to be a picture of great-great grandmother Catherine Wonderly , the mother of great grandfather Frank Weaver and wife of great-great-grandfather, Henry Weaver.

These are pictures of great-grandfather Frank Weaver and his wife, great-grandmother Henrietta Holtz.

More pictures of great-grandma Katherine:
Victor and Katherine's niece, Julia Hildt with Y.D. Lott, Jr as child.
A picture of Charles Heintz and Mary Weaver's children taken in 1922.
Pictures of Grandpa Charles Heintz and Grandma Mary Weaver Heintz
Here is a picture of Charles' brotherFrank J. Heintz during World War I
A snapshot of the Heintz-Weaver family taken around 1934.(Vic's best guess.)

And another Heintz gathering around 1946-47 with Audrey and Mary Dee as babies.

Jean Heintz lives 10 kilometers from Riedseltz and may well be distantly related. He has genealogical information in french on his site.

An Alsace link.