This is the Heintz Family Site

Most of this site will be of interest only to close family members and friends.
Other visitors may find some interest in this collection of some Heintz genealogy information.

NEW: Sarah and Rodney's wedding.... Andrea and Tom's wedding.... Jean Heintz's website in France (near our ancestral roots.)
What's new with:
Aaron Amy Andrea Andrew Andy
BarbCBarbH Benjamin Beth Bill Billy Brad
Charlie Chris Christian David Don Ellen Emily
Eric Fran Greg Jamie JimC JimD Laura
LauraC Marilyn Matt Megan Michelle Mom Nancy
PJ Pat Paul Rick Rodney Sarah Scott
Sharon Terry Todd Tom Vic

We were SO cute!
Miscellaneous Heintz links.

Family members: Adding your own pages to our site.
Please sign in here or see what some of the other visitors (since 6/30/97) have had to say.

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