Immigration to the United States of America
This web page is designed for students from 4th grade through 12th grade who are studying immigration to the United States from the very earliest days through today.
This magazine article compares the immigrants of the past to those of today. How many immigrants lived in the United States in 1994?
This is the story of how Mordecai Gudis became Max Gudis and immigrated to the United States. Where did "Mordecai" leave from and where did he take on the name "Max"? Why would someone change his or her name in connection with immigration?
This timeline gives an overview of American immigration from 1565 through 1996. Name three countries whose people immigrated to the United States.
This chart shows the number of people moving into (immigrants) and out of (emigrants) the United States in each decade of the 20th century. Which decade of the 20th century saw the most immigrants entering the United States?
This site has 24 photos of Ellis Island and the immigrants
who entered the United States through it.
The Library of Congress has collected these photographs of Ellis Island and its immigrants.Based on the pictures on these two web sites, what do you think would have been the worst part about coming to America? What would have been the best part?
This is a search engine used to find records on your own family. Type in the name of one of your ancestors who has died. See if you can find out the birthday of that person.
This is a search engine to find out if your ancestors are listed among those who entered the United States through Ellis Island.
Who were the very first immigrants to the Americas? This site tells about people who lived on the continents about 10,000 years ago. What is your opinion?