Here are some of the people who have visited our page.

01/07/00 03:07:52
Name: Bonnie Robinson My URL: Visit Me My Email:
Your City and State: SLC UT Your Favorite Dessert: Pie a la mode Your Favorite Hobby: Hiking
Your Favorite Book: The New Testament

Hello, Katie! I finally have a day to play on my computer, so I'm scanning the web and decided to check out your homepage. Hope the year 2000 is treating you well!

01/01/00 03:08:33
Name: T. Hellwinkel My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Dessert: All, anything w/fat Your Favorite Hobby: scrap booking
Your Favorite Book: Little Match Girl

The pictures are really nice. Clearity delux. Have a very happy and safe New Year!! Thanks.

12/21/99 06:57:15
Name: Patricia French My URL: Visit Me My Email:
Your City and State: Idaho Falls, Idaho Your Favorite Dessert: cheese cake Your Favorite Hobby: quilting/crocheting
Your Favorite Sport Team: what ever team any of my kids are on Your Favorite Book: The Stand

Great page Katie. Hopefully I will get around to doing one. Why don't you list Bill's web page also?

12/10/99 22:45:03
Name: Teresa Power My URL: Visit Me My Email:
Your City and State: Placerville, Ca Your Favorite Dessert: sugar free berry pie Your Favorite Hobby: natural medicine
Your Favorite Sport Team: No Team - Ice Skating - Kurt Browning Your Favorite Book: There are too many to list

Nice web page!!

11/16/99 15:16:35
Name: Wayne Pedersen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Claresholm,AB Your Favorite Dessert: I'll take what ever I can get Your Favorite Hobby: hydroponic vegtables
Your Favorite Sport Team: sorry, those overpaid bums have turned me off Your Favorite Book: hmmmmmmm

Liked what you have done with the web page. Good job ! But it really looks like a typical mother wife page...I mean you did all the work and scanned the pictures but have excluded YOU ! I'll get off my soap box now. Have a great day, eh?

09/21/99 15:38:14
Name: Dianne Young My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Kentucky Your Favorite Dessert: anything with chocolate and whipped cream Your Favorite Hobby: collecting beanies
Your Favorite Sport Team: WAS the the JAZZ

Hi I am a IW....I am glad I came by your site it is are truly blessed....Your children are great...wanted to invite you to come on by and visit mine and my hubby's page. We have alot on the site especially a new bunch of graphics sets inc uding beanies and poohbear as well as some florals and alot more! Come on by and while you are at it sign the guest book and mention if you'd like oone of our awards.....Dianne

07/30/99 22:37:45
Name: MOM
My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Dessert: Chocolate

I made it!!

07/05/99 01:49:28
Name: Conor My URL: Visit Me Your City and State: Jerome, ID
Your Favorite Dessert: brownies Your Favorite Hobby: lighting fireworks Your Favorite Sport Team: Atlanta Braves
Your Favorite Book: Freckle Juice

I am sure glad that my dad married Katie!!

01/18/99 20:22:04
Name: Sharon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Idaho Your Favorite Dessert: chocolate espresso cheesecake Your Favorite Hobby: Baking,Reading,Teaching my Children
Your Favorite Sport Team: Chicago Bulls Your Favorite Book: Paradise-Toni Morrison

Ohhhhh How cute. What a sweeeeet web site. Had fun.

11/25/98 22:15:28
Name: Jeff Youngberg My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Utah Your Favorite Dessert: among others, strawberry pie Your Favorite Hobby: Hobby? who has time for hobies
Your Favorite Sport Team: soccer Your Favorite Book: The eerie green pants with nobody inside them


11/02/98 13:56:28
Name: Patty M. Murphy
My URL: Visit Me


07/15/98 23:14:47
Name: Marie Amoureux-Govan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Salt Lake City Utah Your Favorite Dessert: Anything Chocolate Your Favorite Hobby: oil painting
Your Favorite Sport Team: Utah Jazz Your Favorite Book: Complete works of O Henry

What are you doing to my brother????

04/29/98 02:28:24
Name: Bill Amoureux My URL: Visit Me My Email:
Your City and State: Jerome, Idaho Your Favorite Dessert: anything with chocolate Your Favorite Hobby: reading and waterskiing
Your Favorite Sport Team: the JAZZ, of course Your Favorite Book: other than scriptures?

I thoroughly enjoyed your web pages!

04/05/98 09:02:16
Name: Blowers, Ann
My URL: Visit Me

Wow! Katie how did you learn to do all of this?

03/18/98 19:46:00
Name: Cherie Rust My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Salt Lake City, Utah Your Favorite Dessert: Chocolate chip cookies Your Favorite Hobby: sleeping
Your Favorite Sport Team: Jazz Your Favorite Book: Any good children's book

Add a website that links single people to each other - good and wholesome and LDS related

12/12/97 18:37:13
Name: Farrar, Michael My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your City and State: NYC

Thanks for the photos

11/07/97 05:52:34
Name: Donnie Garvich My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Birmingham, Alabama Your Favorite Dessert: Rum Cake Your Favorite Hobby: Golf
Your Favorite Sport Team: Chicago Bulls Your Favorite Book: This Present Darkness -- Tom Peretti

Hi Katie from Salt Lake City! Just thought I'd stop by your page after you emailed me with your URL. It looks great! I'm glad you are enjoying making a web page and I hope that you continue to enjoy it. Thanks for the kind words about my site and thanks for linking to it! Donnie

10/03/97 13:25:10
Name: David Barth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Owego New York Your Favorite Dessert: apple pie Your Favorite Hobby: playing with the kids
Your Favorite Sport Team: NY Yankees Your Favorite Book: That's a hard one, I'd have to say any Robert Ludlum book

I was very impressed by your home page. I don't think you should be a teacher but should work in the computer field. Your kids are beautiful. Your younger two really resemble you. Thanks for the tip on your favorite LDS Web Site. I checked it out and have now added it to my bookmarks. I'll keep in touch. Good luck on getting your teaching certificate (I hear Utah isn't a good place to teach however - too many kids in each class room and not enough pay. What to come to NY?!!! The pay is a lot better and your brother seems to like it).

09/01/97 03:57:39
Name: Denise Mahany My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Las Vegas,NV Your Favorite Dessert: uncooked Brownie Batter Your Favorite Hobby: Reading Books!!!
Your Favorite Sport Team: ...Don't have one... Your Favorite Book: All of "The Cat Who..."books

How fun to have an exchange student! I would like to hear more about the cultural differences. Have you started school yet?

08/27/97 01:13:00 GMT
Name: Dan Rogers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: Dayton, Ohio Your Favorite Dessert: Pumpkin Pie Your Favorite Hobby: Life
Your Favorite Sport Team: Bethany's soccer team Your Favorite Book: Genesis

Thanks Kate. Hope to see you during ski season.

08/14/97 02:23:30 GMT
Name: OLD GRAY ONE My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Dessert: IceCream&Creme Soda Your Favorite Hobby: AutomotiveMechanics.
Your Favorite Sport Team: None Your Favorite Book: Tom Clancy/WEBGriffin

The above looks fine, except I would put down my "Favorite Author" instead of "Your Favorite Book."

07/26/97 15:30:05 GMT
Name: Jeff Christensen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: SLC, UT Your Favorite Dessert: ice cream Your Favorite Hobby: sports
Your Favorite Sport Team: jazz Your Favorite Book: Martin da Warrior

i am so smart s-m-r-t, i mean s-m-a-r-t.

07/21/97 00:58:36 GMT
Name: Brad Christensen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your City and State: SLC, UT Your Favorite Dessert: Raspberry Milkshake Your Favorite Hobby: Computers, Music
Your Favorite Sport Team: The 49ers Your Favorite Book: too many to even say one, ok fine The Partner


07/15/97 22:02:04 GMT
Name: Michael Farrar My URL: Visit Me My Email: >
Your City and State: New York NY Your Favorite Dessert: Pig's trough Your Favorite Hobby: The Law
Your Favorite Sport Team: Niners Your Favorite Book: "1984"

"The ultimate test of a theory is its power to predict"

07/14/97 07:53:11 GMT
My URL: Visit Me Your City and State: Salt Lake City Utah
Your Favorite Dessert: Cookies Your Favorite Hobby: Playing w/ kids
Your Favorite Sport Team: BYU Cougars Your Favorite Book: Little House Books


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