February 25, 2001

All of us together on February 25, 2001

Bill and Will, Holly, Conor, Holly and Anna went to San Francisco during Christmas vacation 2000. Bill's favorite part of the trip was getting to tour the USS Jeremiah O'Brien, a liberty ship. It was the only surviving WWII ship to return to Normandy for the 50th anniversary of D-Day. (Bill wanted me to add that last part).

Anna and Holly need to swab that deck! I just hope they don't have to pick up one of those chain links!

The other main attraction on the San Francisco trip was the aqauarium at Pier 39. It was hands-on and the Conor, Holly and Anna loved it.

Scout-A-Rama April 29, 2000. David tries his hand at walking on stilts.

Kevin tried them, too, but neither of them were nearly as good as Bill and I were!

This is my step-daughter Anna with my daughter Holly. Cute, aren't they?

This is Will, my 18 year old stepson.


David with Anna in the background.

Holly on April 30, 2000

Kevin ready for church.

Holly, David and Anna in the bright sun!
