Welcome to the preliminary home page of the

Sempervirens Republic

An ImagiNation© country of Michael P. Smuda

On January 15, 299, the UNVCOCN announced the recognition of the Sempervirens Republic formed from the occupied territory of New Merité. Following the end if the rule of King Timothy II, the people of Sempervirens decided that one of the most important lessons learned from the occupation by Merité is the value if freedom. Therefore, when given the opportunity by the UNV committee, we decided to form a democratic republic independent of all outside rule. The guiding principals of the republic are respect, conserve, preserve and restore.

The Sempervirens Republic adopted a new flag. Blue is for water and air, yellow for grain and the wealth of the land. The tree is our native Redwood Tree, the tallest and widest tree on the planet and our national symbol.

Sempervirens Republic Flag

Sempervirens Republic consists of the central and southern portions of the territory known as New Merité on the continent of Fiarria. The capital city is Sequoia

Map of Sempervirens Republic

The government of the Sempervirens Republic will consist of four important parts. The Executive includes the President, Vice-President, and the Council of Ministers. The Justice Department ensures that the government operates within its legal boundaries. The largest formal unit is the Assembly which defines the laws. And the largest and most important component is the people of Sempervirens.

The preliminary executives, until elections can be held are:

Michael Adums, President
Gregor Mendal, Vice-President
Veronica Valenza, Minister of Foreign Affairs
John Wesley Powell, Minister of Internal Affairs
David Farragut, Minister of Defense

Press seal for Sempervirens Diplomacy Page

Some basic facts:

Long Name: Sempervirens Republic
Short Names: Sempervirens, Sempervi, SvR
People: Sempervians, Sempervis
Capital: Sequoia

This site represents a country in the role playing game called ImagInations© and exists on the planet Vexillum under the direction of the Planet Master Edward Mooney, Jr.

Any questions or comments should be sent to:

Michael P. Smuda, Sempervirens Republic Director of Information

This site and its contents are copyright 1999, 2000 by Michael P. Smuda

homepush for Michael's homepage

Last Modified: July 29, 2003