Sources and Credits

There are many genealogists and family members who have contributed and shared their family information with me. Digging into the family history has also introduced me to many new cousins! Thanks to everyone who has freely shared their facts and family stories, and let me borrow their photographs!


Special thanks to Oline (Jensen) Smith, who put together the Unsworth Family History. Her book got me hooked on genealogy! Also invaluable was a letter from my grandmother, Elsie Viva (Bate) Price, outlining everything she knew about our family history. I have also obtained information from many other relatives, including my parents, Arthur and Doreen Jesperson, and my Aunt Frances (Jesperson) Keil, my Aunt June (Price) Awrey, and several cousins, including:

Lucie (Bate) Sunde (Bate family)
John H. (Bert) Morgan (Bate family)
Pegg Nicholls (Bate, Horne families)
Marguerite Jones (Jones family)
Art Unsworth (Unsworth family)
Grant Simpson (Horne family)
Terry Simpson (Horne family)
Lorayne Aitken (Horne family)
Jolene Swezey (Horne family)
Helen Verrall (Alport family)
Monty Engleson (Cartwright family)
Mark Bate III (Bate family): Mark Bate - if you are out there, please contact me. I haven't been able to get through to your email address.
Finn Hellisen (Mikkelsen family)
Robert Crew (Price family)
Bill Grundy (Bate family)

Also many thanks to Karen Reib (volunteer in Bornholm archive) and Nina Jensen (Bornholm Welcome Center) for assisting with research on the Danish side of the family.


Not all of the data shown on this website has been verified by the original source documents. That process will probably take many years! Corrections and additions will be added periodically.

Please contact me if you are interested in my sources for any particular piece of information. Some of my sources include census data, birth, marriage and death registrations, parish records, newspaper articles/obituaries, cemetery/tombstone inscriptions, wills/probate files, military records and other assorted documents. Some material has also been obtained from the Nanaimo and Chilliwack Archives.

Please note: In an attempt to protect the privacy of living family members, I have chosen not to post data about living relatives.

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