Ancestor's Photo Gallery

      Arthur Jesperson and Florence Unsworth Arthur Hunter Jesperson (1892-1975) and Florence Unsworth (1902-1971), my paternal grandparents

      Hans Jespersen and Andrea Mikkelsen Hans (Henry) Jespersen (1856-1933) and Andrea Margrethe Mikkelsen (1860-1924), my great-grandparents

      Samuel Arthur Unsworth Samuel Arthur Unsworth (1869-1957), my great-grandfather

      Lillian Martha Carrington Lillian Martha Carrington (1871-1929), my great-grandmother, wife of Samuel Arthur Unsworth

      Unsworth family Samuel and Lillian Unsworth and family, 1916. Standing: Florence, Mary, Jim, Lillie, Sam, Agnes, Amy.
Sitting: Samuel & Lillian Unsworth, Edith, Robert and Walter.

      William Everest Price William Everest Price (1898-1987), my maternal grandfather, 1960

      Frank Price and Emma James Frank Price (1868-1941) and Emma James (1874-1936), my great-grandparents

      Elsie Viva (Bate) Price Elsie Viva (Bate) Price (1899-1979), my maternal grandmother, 1960

      William Charles Bate and Edna Jones William Charles Bate (1871-1903) and Edna (Bridget) Jones (1869-1954), my great-grandparents

      William Charles Bate William Charles Bate (1871-1903), my great-grandfather

      Edna Jones Edna (Bridget) Jones (1869-1954), my great-grandmother, wife of William Charles Bate

      Mark Bate Mark Bate (1837-1927), my great-great grandfather, and the first mayor of Nanaimo BC

      Sarah Ann Cartwright Sarah Ann Cartwright (1839-1897), my great-great grandmother, first wife of Mark Bate

      Thomas Bate Thomas Bate (ca 1805-?), my 3rd great-grandfather

      Maria Harris Maria Harris (1844-1924), my great-great grandmother, wife of Joshua Jones


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