Emily Chase


Biographical Information

Hi, My name is Emily. I am nine years old. I am going in fifth grade at Saint Thomas in Houston, Texas. I like school, and Scottish Dancing. Both of my brothers and my mother and father play soccer. I played my first season of soccer this last fall.  My team, the West University Wildcats, made the playoffs.  We came in third place.  I really liked playing for coach Herrick.  None of the girls went to my school, so I made lots of new friends.  I hope I get to play with some of them next fall! I have a pit-bull - wussy mix for a dog and love to ride horses. My dad let me pick some pictures to put here. I hope you like them.


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Personal Interests

  1. HORSES HORSES HORSES - my favoritest horse in the whole wide world is Bentley. She lives with my Aunt Veronique near Austin. I go visit her whenever I can. Someday I will have a horse. Maybe two!
  2. School - I am in fourth grade. Here is a picture of my classmates and me from second grade.
  3. Highland Dancing - Sorry, closest I could find so far :-)
    Click here for all kinds of highland dancing (and some bagpiping and drumming) pictures :)    
  4. Josh - Josh was the dog we had before Dymphna.  He was a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He was  very protective and made sure to visit with me every day when I came home from school. If he didn't get to come outside when my sister and I did, he would get very upset!  I still miss him.
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Last revised: April 06, 2001.