Christopher's Home Page
Hi!!! This is Christopher speaking. Welcome to my homepage...I know it is not much ,but it is mine. I live in Houston,Tx. with my parents and three loving siblings :) I am an avid soccer player. I am in the 10th grade this school year and I am working hard to keep up w/ both school and soccer.  I am now the starting goalie for our varsity soccer team, so life has indeed become hectic.  I get two more days per week of practice then the rest of the team.  Therefore, I am developing a serious love-hate thing for my goalie coach.  He continually pushes the envelope when it comes to training past the fatigue point.  I imagine only goalies, rugby players, and martial artists can relate to what I feel these days... I never seem to get rid of the bruises - BUT.. I love it!!!  Isn't that sick? 

This site is now kind of a "throw-down" site, cuz I have most of my stuff on My GoPlay Page - "Soccer is life... the rest is just details :))   However, there are plenty of pictures and other things to look at on this site if you have the time or inclination.  Anyways, thanks for checking my site out... Have a nice day!!! E-mail me or sign the guest book with any suggestions...  My ICQ # is24847557 

Click here to see my current news This is the best picture I could find... Did I make a good first impression??  HAHAHAHA
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