Hope you are enjoying the page so far. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better for you, or if there is anything I can add that will help you in any way. I don't know too many of the answers, but I'll bet we can find someone that does.
I know you have heard about the Rice Bag Heating Pads, well Dawn has come through for us again. You will find the pattern for them here. Thanks again Dawn!
O.K. now for the Three Dimensional Bow Tie.The "Bow Tie Quilt" in my quilts was done this way. I found a pattern on the net by a lady named Debbie Kratovil. Check out her pattern. It is great.
I have had several people ask me for the pattern for the "Quillow"partially unfolded and unfolded . So, thanks to Dawn, here is the pattern.
Need a new Sewing Machine Cover?(picture at the bottom of page) Well, "Sandy" has the pattern. Thanks Sandy! You will find her home page listed in my quilting links.
I found this pattern on the net and liked it so much I just had to try it. It is called "Hidden Wells". I had so much fun with it, I just had to share the pattern with you. Thanks Dawn! See Dawn's Page also in the quilting links.
If you liked the quilt you might want the "Yo-Yo" pattern that has been requested by many people. This pattern was done by Cindy at CD Designs. You will find the link to her home page on my quilting links page.
Next is a pattern from a very good friend in FL. Yep, the same Jan on my friends page. It is called "Baby Balls". You can see the picuture by clicking on the name, and here is the pattern. Today a nice lady posted a web site on P4 that has a Baby Block...thought you might want to see it too.
This time it is the pattern for the Biscuit Block. I used it in the "Trip around the World" and the Chair Pads. I have had many request for this pattern. I hope you will find this helpful.
If there is a pattern you are having trouble finding, please let me know. I will do the best I can for you. Thanks....see you soon....THE BUG !!
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