Here are some things I did in between the quilts...
"Pineapple Tablecloth"
- I used to Crochet, that was before the quilting bug
got me.
"Crochet Doily"I have always
loved crochet doilies. I guess this is something
passed on from my grandmother, who taught me to
crochet before I could write my name.
"Crochet Doily" Just
of the many doilies from over the years.
"Pineapple Center Piece"
To be honest, I am not sure if I made this one or my
mother made it. We have both made several of these
and traded back and forth.
"Popcorn Afghan" This one I
am sure my mother made for me for Christmas. I just
love it.
"Cinnamon Doll" She is made
on a Cinnamon broom, and smells wonderful.
"Refrigerator Magnets" See
the little dresses in the back?
"Christmas Angel" A pillow
doll. I named her that because she was a gift for a
friend at Christmas.
"Diaper bag/blanket"
They all look like bags until they are
unzipped..then they look totaly different. (A
"Picnic Bag/Tablecloth"
(A Table Cloth)
"Kids Car Bag/Streets to drive on"
A pillow and unfolded a small quilt.
(One of many)
"Biscuit Chair Pad"
Made from the biscuit block pattern on the pattern
"Biscuit Chair Pad"
For a small chair. Same pattern, just smaller.
"Pillows from Extra Blocks"
I always try to make at least 2 pillows to match
each quilt.
**NOTE: The Diaper Bag, Picnic Bag, and
Car Bag were made from a pattern I ordered when I saw
it on the Kay Wood T.V. show. They are called "Zip
n' Stuff Bags" patterns by: Cambridge Marking
Systems. To order the pattern call 1-800-248-KAYE
Yes, I have added a couple of new things to this page
and have more to add. I do hope you are enjoying what
you are seeing. (Thanks Brenda)
Remember I'm not good, just persistent. Oh, and
please take just a moment to sign my guestbook.
Thanks !!
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