Welcome to my Guestbook!

Omega Lazur - 12/15/00 22:38:55
My Email:omega64@crown.net
How did you find this page?: quiltbugs quilting
Where are you from?: Lake station,Ind.
Are You A Quilter?: yes

i have been *quilting* since the about march of 2000.Its alot harder than i thought it would be but i really enjoy it though!!When you forget everything you were taught in sewing class in school <20 somethin years ago> it makes it kinda hard. Thank the Lord above there are these places called the library,and i was there to check out books on quilting from a to z, sometimes 30 at a time I could'nt afford to buy alot of quilting books so i did the next best thing,i got them at the library!!Lifesavers too, still dont know a whole lot but i guess as long as you have fun at it thats what counts... Get anxious to get it finished , your site is a refresher,lots of color too!!Nice pics.

Dorothy Smay - 12/06/00 18:33:19
My Email:snipsnip39@aol.com
How did you find this page?: GOING TO DIFFERENT WEB SITES
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Are You A Quilter?: yes


- 11/27/00 14:36:47

Alice, How can you call yourself a beginner? I am wondering what that would make me. Your work is BEAUTIFUL!! Keep up the good work Denise in NJ

Linda K Garmon - 11/20/00 15:21:41
My Email:lgarmon@urcmail.net
How did you find this page?: McCalls Quick Quilts
Where are you from?: Canyonville Oregon
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I have just become acquainted with stained glass quilting and am hooked. My friend also. This is a whole new world for us - we usually do bed or throw quilts only. What fun! Your flower blocks are great. Right now we are making poinsettia pillows (st ined glass) with candles in them. From a pattern in a quilt store, took a class and found it quite easy once you get the technique. Have a great day Linda

CLARA - 11/17/00 19:02:59
How did you find this page?: SEARCHING
Where are you from?: GEORGIA
Are You A Quilter?: YES


Viola Payne - 11/15/00 02:49:22
My Email:rpayne@goin.missouri.org
How did you find this page?: serfing
Where are you from?: Ava, Mo.
Are You A Quilter?: sort of !!!

Very, very NICE. Found you many months ago. Just getting around to checking my favorites again. Will watch for the quilt. Viola

Jo Collvins - 11/10/00 01:35:30
My Email:Collvins@PTSI.net
How did you find this page?: daughter
Where are you from?: Oklahoma Panhandle
Are You A Quilter?: I try.

I found a quilt shop while visiting Tuson, AZ. They had a Quilt on display that was very unusual. It is worth your time to see it. Her name is Teresa Hodgson. You can see her gorgeous quilts at her web page. www.spiralt.com

Nancy Schantz - 11/08/00 05:45:32
My Email:schantz@cox-internet.com
How did you find this page?: accident
Where are you from?: San Angelo,Texas
Are You A Quilter?: would like to be


Ruth - 11/05/00 05:48:04
My Email:rayru@arkansas.net
How did you find this page?: surfing on compuquit.com
Where are you from?: Arkansas & Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: A beginner :)

Hi Alice, Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your page. I saw so many things that look like I will be able to do. Thank you so much for putting so many things that are helpful to us new quilters. I will continue to check and see what you are doing n a regular basis. Thanks again for being here online and sharing. A (hopeful)new fellow quilter, Ruth

DOROTHY FALLIS - 10/31/00 17:50:21
Are You A Quilter?: NO..NO..NO!!!


DOROTHY FALLIS - 10/31/00 17:50:13
Are You A Quilter?: NO..NO..NO!!!


Auda Wink - 10/30/00 15:31:34
My Email:Yardlady@mindspring.com
How did you find this page?: Thru quilt guild
Where are you from?: Philpot Ky
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I enjoyed your web page very much,just wish I could it.you do very nice work.

Sheila - 10/27/00 13:35:58
My Email:yeshuabear@aol.com
How did you find this page?: surfing for patterns
Where are you from?: Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: yes, just learning

Searching for patterns, I'm a beginner taking a quilting class from a young lady (she's 80). It's great fun and keeps me busy!! Blessings to you.

Dorothy Embry - 10/22/00 16:41:37
My Email:Nanny76@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: You sent it to me.
Where are you from?: Owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: No

Your quilts are beautiful and your crochet is great also.

Ann-Marie Lordal - 10/21/00 14:49:48
My Email:amlo@ljusdal.se
How did you find this page?: p4 list
Where are you from?: Sweden
Are You A Quilter?: Newbie

Your quilts are absolutly beautiful. I wish I can make quilts like these one day Ann-Marie

Elizabeth Mattingly - 10/20/00 13:26:18
My Email:ematt_42301@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: friend
Where are you from?: St Joseph Ky
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Alice Please sign me up for your email list. Love your website!

Patty - 10/19/00 12:10:42
My Email:yarnfreak@juno.com
How did you find this page?: appliquelovers
Where are you from?: Portland, Maine
Are You A Quilter?: yes still new

You have made alot of quilts, they are beautiful. Keep up the good work.One day i hope to have made that many.

jBernice Clements - 10/19/00 01:10:39
My Email:johnson526@aol.com
How did you find this page?: I am member of (appliquelovers)
Where are you from?: Murfreesboro, TN
Are You A Quilter?: Yes, a beginner

I enjoyed viewing your work. Gives me inspiration to work harder. Have never done applique but am trying to talk myself into doing something in applique. Wish me luck, Bernice

Shirley Horstman - 10/16/00 04:33:32
My Email:shirl9435@aol.com
How did you find this page?: You told me
Where are you from?: Owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: Wish I was

Enjoyed seeing the new web page. Checked out the quilts. Wonderful !!!!!! Thanks

Gailya - 10/15/00 13:26:14
My Email:eugab4@apex.net
How did you find this page?: sent to from a quilter..
Where are you from?: owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: yes


cindy c. - 10/12/00 22:23:58
My Email:sacraft@bellsouth.net
Are You A Quilter?: parttime

alice i still think you do great work. love you much. cindy

Easie Cecil - 10/12/00 20:50:38
My Email:etcecil@aol.com
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Great. enjoyed seeing all your quilts.

wesley a gordon - 10/10/00 03:43:11
Where are you from?: owensboro ky
Are You A Quilter?: no

hello Alice , nice webpage

Linda - 10/09/00 14:51:29
My Email:cbj1019@gateway.net
How did you find this page?: surfing the net
Where are you from?: Idaho
Are You A Quilter?: Definately isent everyone?

Just had to let you know how much I enjoyed your site! You also gave me a great idea for a christmas quilt! not to mention the photo quilts. thanks again Linda

Miri Kosser - 10/06/00 16:49:45
My Email:timphi@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: searching the web for quilt topics
Where are you from?: Israel
Are You A Quilter?: yes a machine quilter

your site is great .I envy you for your beautiful quilts, I am still a beginner,and learn to quilt mostly from books and internet since quilting is not popular at all in Israel.(What a shame). Your family and specially your grandchildren are beautiful.They realy look innocent... Shalom to you and yours Miri Kosser Kiriat Haim Israel

Carole - 09/28/00 13:23:28
My Email:csinwi@aol.com
How did you find this page?: looking for yo you quilts I found you:-)
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Are You A Quilter?: well I made 2 yo yo's yesterday!

Hi Alice, Your quilts are wanderful. I really enjoyed seeing them. You are very gifted and blessed to have such nice friends. Isn't God good! Sorry about your son, his wall hanging must be very special to you, was he a line dancer? Have you ever read any of Barbara Johnson's books, She says she has a deposit in heaven. God bless you, you sure sound like a lot of fun. Lv, Carole

bev - 09/28/00 06:59:12
My Email:txsassyldy@aol.com
How did you find this page?: web
Where are you from?: living in NC
Are You A Quilter?: beginner quilter

I'm going to begin taking quilting classes on the 4th of october. "I can't wait" I have been looking on the web for intersting site on quilting. Thats how I found your site. I really enjoyed it!

Jane Juhlin - 09/20/00 05:00:38
My Email:jmjuhlin@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Referred by quilter
Where are you from?: Nebraska
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Loved all the links.

Jan St. Clair - 09/18/00 15:13:44
My Email:Stclair37@aol.com
How did you find this page?: quiltopia
Where are you from?: Riverside, Penna.
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I really enjoyed looking at some of your quilts. It has stimulated me to get busy and get some of my projects going. Thank you.

Sunshine - 09/18/00 09:12:14
My Email:sunshine@ejourney.com
How did you find this page?: from an email
Are You A Quilter?: for sure

What a lovely web page, I enjoyed.

Sunshine - 09/18/00 09:10:51
My Email:sunshine@ejourney.com
How did you find this page?: from an emaile


Gaye Milton - 09/18/00 08:25:07
My Email:bgmlt@jps.net
How did you find this page?: Quilters Bingo
Where are you from?: Born Colo. live now in Ca.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes..??

I really enjoyed seeing all of the different states. Some are so good they look like a picture. Hope you can get the rest soon...

ande39 - 09/18/00 01:52:02

Just checking

Marcia - 09/16/00 13:15:07
My Email:Living@midohio.net
How did you find this page?: on a list of favorites
Where are you from?: OHIO
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Very nice web page

eva - 09/09/00 17:42:15
My Email:windriderpm@netzero.net
How did you find this page?: surfing the web
Where are you from?: Colo.
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Thanks sooooo much for the acess to all the free quilt labels. Will check back often.

Maureen Sparrow - 09/08/00 22:13:16
My Email:mobird@escape.ca
How did you find this page?: #quiltchat
Where are you from?: Winnipeg Manitoba
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I love your home page and inted to try out all the links one by one - as you know I paperpiece and you have a lot of those. Thanks for doing the quilt for you-know-who I'm ure it's going to be lovely, mobird

Dawna Morrell - 09/03/00 22:38:59
My Email:dawnam@maine.rr.com
How did you find this page?: from P4 somehow
Where are you from?: Westbrook, Maine
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Loved your page and the string quilts were from a Quilt in a Day show. Spider Web and Godseye I think they were called. Thanks for sharing!

aie rossmann - 08/28/00 04:31:26
My URL:http://www.lotuslands.ab.ca
My Email:aie@lotuslands.ab.ca
How did you find this page?: e groups
Where are you from?: canada
Are You A Quilter?: yes

enjoyed your site. aie

Gaye - 08/27/00 20:30:17
My Email:bgmlt@jps.net
How did you find this page?: On Quilt Bingo
Where are you from?: Ca.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Hi Alice; I just found time to come and look. I really enjoyed see your quilts. You have made so many and all are lovely. Thanks for sharing them with us..Did you get a hold of the lady in RI.? I hope it works out for you..Will look forward to seeing a picture o your quilt made from the state blocks... Hugs, Gaye Cutting Up In Ca.

Marie - 08/26/00 01:55:17
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4084
My Email:mawre@triad.rr.com
How did you find this page?: search
Where are you from?: North Carolina
Are You A Quilter?: No, but wish I was

Wow!!!!!!! Your quilts are beautiful. I admire anyone who can quilt. I love them and have collected a few. I think I might be able to make a yo yo quilt. I have looked for a layout to form a design with yo yo's but haven't yet. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I really enjoyed viewing them

Marilyn - 08/24/00 16:41:21
My Email:Mosey
How did you find this page?: quilt chat roomie
Where are you from?: California
Are You A Quilter?: totally addicted

This find made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!So exciting, can't wait to pass it on to others.... Thank

Linda Garber - 08/19/00 16:48:44
My Email:lgarber@tyler.net
How did you find this page?: appliquelovers list
Where are you from?: Texas
Are You A Quilter?: Yes -- a beginner

Wow!! How long did it take you to do all of these? I am really empressed.

LAURA CARSWELL - 08/13/00 05:23:58
My Email:CRAFTER12000@aol.com
How did you find this page?: surfing the quilting heading under hobbies
Where are you from?: born in CANADA live in sc now
Are You A Quilter?: yes, have done 2, one for a baby,and a queen size one for my brother

the squares are lovely, though i have lived in several states none of them are the ones you need. i think it would be interesting to figure out a way to do one for my native country, but there are only 10 provinces and 2 territories. ?? did you think about blocks from the us territories??

LAURA CARSWELL - 08/13/00 05:18:49
My Email:CRAFTER12000@aol.com
How did you find this page?: surfing the quilting heading under hobbies
Where are you from?: born in CANADA live in sc now


heather bertomeu - 08/10/00 02:36:11
How did you find this page?: was looking for new quilt blocks
Where are you from?: wenatchee,wa.
Are You A Quilter?: yes

i relly injoy finding new on and seeing what every one els is up to. quilting for me is like an addiction. i love to make up my own blocks. if you have any new ones or know of any one that does please send me a copy.221 easy st, wenatchee,wa. 98801 i woul love to here from other quilters.

Edna - 08/05/00 17:23:13
My Email:Sk8trsmom1@aol.com
How did you find this page?: aol message board
Where are you from?: Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: trying to be

What a nice site you have made.

Claudia - 07/28/00 21:44:14
My Email:msneitc@msn.com
How did you find this page?: appliquelovers
Where are you from?: Just moved to MA from PA
Are You A Quilter?: Yes, when time permits... been quilting on and off for nearly 12 years. Just learned to applique recently and found that I LOVE it... I'm an advid learner and take classes often -- guess that makes me a "beginner", too.

Loved your quilts, especially the Irish Apple. Was this a quilt of your own design? I don't remember ever seeing this pattern before. It's very unique and I can see why you were sick about selling it. Thank you so much for sharing your talents. I appreciate all the work put into your quilts, as well as the time setting up your webpage. You have great friends! Thank you again, Claudia Zink

nan - 07/27/00 17:59:15
My Email:nanb@home.com
How did you find this page?: on one of the lists appliquelovers?
Where are you from?: Vancouver, Canada
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I'm the Mother in law who sent your letter to Tina in Delaware. Glad it worked out for you. your blocks are most ionteresting, this is quite a project. I salute you!! Hope RI shows up , let us know. Nan

Tina McBride - 07/26/00 20:55:50
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/BondSt/tina045/
My Email:tina@inet.net
How did you find this page?: internet
Where are you from?: Newark, DELAWARE
Are You A Quilter?: SURE AM!!

Loved your site - we have identical tastes in quilts!! You do wonderful work!

Janet - 07/21/00 16:41:34
My Email:jburke@henderson.net
How did you find this page?: you gave me the address
Where are you from?: Ky
Are You A Quilter?: YES

What I've seen I've really enjoyed. We'll have to get together and swap some patterns. Good luck on your hand quilting!!

Anna Hanks - 07/18/00 17:56:17
My Email:annapinkharley@aol.com
How did you find this page?: kayewoods group
Where are you from?: Michigan
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Very nice work. I like that you still feel like a beginner. It's encouraging to us real beginners

sharon - 07/17/00 19:57:31
My Email:cseeber@twcny.rr.com
How did you find this page?: just browsing
Where are you from?: northern ny state
Are You A Quilter?: just a novice!

Your quilts are lovely..and so many!! I just started the end of May and am really addicted to it. It's great therapy, and there's so much to quilt and so little time. Have met lots of quilters on line and in quilt shops!!

Bzy1/Barbara - 07/12/00 16:45:45
My URL:http://www.execpc.com/~badz/index.html
My Email:badz@execpc.com
How did you find this page?: from your web page
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Alice, WONDERFUL web pages........I'm glad I searched it out. The url on email was incorrect and I was curious :))) I hope to see you soon in chat. Youv'e been busy!!!! Have a wonderful summer. Hugs, Barbara/Bzy1

Mary K. Reed - 07/05/00 13:33:18
My Email:mkreed@intrnet.net
How did you find this page?: applique lovers digest
Where are you from?: Jonesboro, Illinois
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Elizabeth Boyd - 07/02/00 09:35:31
My Email:boydee@man.com
How did you find this page?: Enjoyed the visit with you.
Where are you from?: Louisville KY
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Geneva Link - 06/30/00 16:01:26
My Email:g.link@worldnet.att.net
How did you find this page?: Applique digest
Where are you from?: California
Are You A Quilter?: YES

What will you be doing with the state blocks?

Janet Carver - 06/26/00 03:59:22
My Email:blanda47@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: appliquelovers list
Where are you from?: Dallas
Are You A Quilter?: yes


- 06/25/00 02:56:19


Anne Bond - 06/24/00 13:42:34
My Email:ABond723@aol.com
How did you find this page?: from post to AppliqueLovers
Where are you from?: Columbus, OH
Are You A Quilter?: Absolutely addicted, especially applique

I finally got around to visiting your web page and love it! It is just like visiting you in person. Especially love your state block swap. Had a little trouble seeing Jaydee's design, it didn't quite finish loading, maybe I'll try again another time. Sh does beautiful work, I got to take a design workshop from her in Portland at the TAS meeting, learned a lot!

loretta - 06/20/00 01:12:11
My Email:mommwsquilts@aol.com
How did you find this page?: my daughter sent to melo
Where are you from?: west virginia
Are You A Quilter?: yes

the quilts are pretty. i just made a baby top today. it is something different for me.it is a clown quilt . keep up the pretty work.loretta

Joanne A. Roberts - 06/19/00 02:32:17
My Email:Mamajo3@aol.com
How did you find this page?: email
Where are you from?: Powell, OH
Are You A Quilter?: Beginner

Alice - loved your new site, especially photos of your family. What a lovely family you have. And I really enjoyed all your beautiful quilts and that exquisite tablecloth. You certainly are a very talented person. Joanne

aless - 06/17/00 15:03:56
My Email:alesswl@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: trawling the net for pp
Where are you from?: South Australia
Are You A Quilter?: trying to be!!

I had a terrific time at this site-have learned how to use the printer!Thanks for setting up such a useful resource -I'll be back...

Faye One of the cousins from Alexander Ave.!! - 06/15/00 03:02:11
My URL:http://geocities.com/fjbsugar/index.html
My Email:fjbsugar@Yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Have kept it in my favoraits to come back too.
Where are you from?: Oregon
Are You A Quilter?: No Wish I could do that.!!!

Hi, it's me again. I got your reply from my last time I signed. I think I got back to you. So much has been going on in my little corner of this big world. So can't remember if I sent one off to you or not. Remember you said you knew Aunt Mertel and Grand ad and was with Ilene and Bill when they got married. So yes you are like a cousin too. That was a good old house up there. I finely got to see Ilene after 50 yrs.!!!!!She was 6 and I was 11 the last time I saw her. Got to meet Bill and had a wonderful re nion of all of us in Calif.I believe God answers our prayers in his own time. And he answered this one for me finely. You have done so well on your page. When I learn how to add a link on my page can I put one to your's for people to go see all your beautuful quilts and pretty things. I like the way you can link to your word's of just the ? mark even. I am not that far a ong yet. Was just lucky I got this far on my site. I'm not close to anyone that knows a puter. So have been just trying to figure it out little at a time. How do you get the time to do all that pretty work.? And get it on the puter too. I think it is wond rful. I will come back again. Thanks for putting it all on for all of us out here to see on the net. Will check back again. Faye

Dallas Weatherford - 06/14/00 03:12:48
My Email:stans@catc.com
How did you find this page?: Frances/friend
Where are you from?: Hot Springs, Ar
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Your website is just great, lots of fun! I'm a Registered Nurse and love quilting. I've met many wonderful people associated with quilting and sewing, it's a wonderful hobby for me, great stress release outlet. I just love it!! Happy Quilting to all!! Dal as

DOROTHY FALLIS - 06/12/00 19:03:15
How did you find this page?: HUH?
Where are you from?: NOW YOU'RE GETTING TOO NOSY
Are You A Quilter?: YEH..RIGHT!!!


gretchen meyer waham - 06/02/00 21:51:54
My Email:quiltharbor@olynet.com
How did you find this page?: links to quilt t shirts
Where are you from?: grayland,wa


Karen Rankin - 06/01/00 09:23:48
My Email:rkrankin@netins.net
How did you find this page?: Junt looking around and typed in "quilts" and punched search.
Where are you from?: Reasnor, Iowa
Are You A Quilter?: Yes and loving it.

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your quilts and can see the progression in style and ability. We have all been there. I especially loved the black and white ones, how spectacular. The Sunbonnet Sue quilt is of special interest. I have made ten of them, on for each of my granddaughters who were ten or under when I started. The older ones got different quilts. The last two Sunbonnet Sue quilts I made I started out with a lot of scraps and several pieces of gingham that had been given to me. I made the d lls as usual but instead of using the prints for the sashing, I used the ginghams of different colors and sizes. They turned out so cute, wish I had discovered this earlier. I am currently working on a pineapple quilt using muslin quares with the foldin procedure. This is so easy and fun to do. I also wanted to extend my sympathies on the loss of Terry. This is so painful and something that just doesn't seem that anyone really understands unless they have been there. We lost a ten year old granddaughter 14 months ago. She ran out in front of car in front of the cemetary where we had just laid my mother-in-law to rest. She was carrying a flower from great-grandmothers grave and dropped it, stopped to pick it up and ran out without looking again. She was so special and we miss her terribly b t she is with the Lord and He has been such a comfort to us. Bless you.

Henny - 05/31/00 07:11:18
My Email:afg@email.women.com
How did you find this page?: another link
Where are you from?: Davis, California
Are You A Quilter?: Want to start

Nice designs! I want to make a quilt with a picture design of an oriental dragon on it. Probably a little too ambitious for a beginner, but it will give me a project to work on for the next few years ...:-)

Linda Polo - 03/15/00 10:47:41
My Email:LDP6000@AOL.COM
How did you find this page?: searching for quilt patterns
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: YES


Frances Thornton - 03/14/00 14:44:18
My Email:RNEaglethree
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Hot Springs,Ar
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Love your site. Such great patterns. Wish I had time to do them all. Thanks,Have a great day.

Pat Arnold - 03/13/00 20:48:27
My Email:tlarnold@bellsouth.net
How did you find this page?: dogpile search
Where are you from?: Clermont, Florida
Are You A Quilter?: yes, novice

You have a great web site ! There is so much information & patterns. I am impressed. Thank you for taking the time to do this for other quilters.

Nancy Van Roekel - 03/11/00 01:13:30
My Email:Vanderland2
How did you find this page?: Chat room host suggestion
Where are you from?: Hinton, IA
Are You A Quilter?: YES

Looks like the kind of things I enjoy looking into.

Nancy Van Roekel - 03/11/00 01:12:10
My Email:Vanderland2
How did you find this page?: Chat room host


cindy kay - 03/09/00 15:12:53
My Email:kini1862.yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: by accident,looked up quilts
Where are you from?: MI
Are You A Quilter?: beginner

Loved your site!Loved your quilts!Hope I can find this web-site again when I have a chance to sit at the computer (better than housework).

Claudia de Lucca - 03/08/00 22:44:02
My URL:http://sites.uol.com.br/claudialucca/index.html
My Email:claudialucca
How did you find this page?: looking at Altavista
Where are you from?: Sao Paulo, Brasil
Are You A Quilter?: I try to be...

I found your site and I'm watching it carefully. I'm a 29 years olb speech therapist, and I love all kinds of handcraft, specially quilting and patchwork. My site is under construction, and I intend to put all my projects there, one day. I apologize for m mistakes in English and I hope you answer me. You have a beautiful family! My hopes, Cláudia. (People I like call me Cáu).

Yvonne - 03/08/00 04:01:10
My Email:cygram@thedalles.net
How did you find this page?: from your e-mail Thank you
Where are you from?: Oregon
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I liked your other pages and the new ones also. You are very talented. I was awed by your stained glass blocks. their beatiful! I started quilting about 5 yrs ago after haveing a heart attack and by-pass surgery.It has been a a God send to me to have some hing to do that I love doing. Keep up the good work .Your an inspiration to us aspiring quilters. God Bless

Mary Lou Taber - 03/02/00 22:11:30
My Email:cmltaber@televar.com
How did you find this page?: looking for billijean/patterns
Where are you from?: Washington state
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I was trying a book my daughter gave me for Christmas "FreeStuff for Quilters on the internet". Couldn't find the the billijeans site. Quilting is my retirement hobby.

- 03/01/00 01:42:41
My Email:Quilt-a-holic@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: P4 list
Where are you from?: Cincinnati,Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: You bet!

Beautiful site full of inspiration for us all. I wish you good luck getting all the State Blocks.

desertgrnma - 02/29/00 04:47:47
My Email:desertgrnma@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: geocities
Where are you from?: yuma, AZ
Are You A Quilter?: yep! I'm hooked!

love your page! Keep up the good work!

Betty Reynolds - 02/29/00 03:14:49
My Email:bettyandjim1@msn.com
How did you find this page?: By accident
Where are you from?: Hartford,Ky.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Hello Alice; Surprise, Surprise. I was surprised that I found you. I like what you have done with your quilting. You are a remarkable person and a good friend. James said tell you that he enjoyed looking at your quilts and web page. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friends Betty and Jim

Betty Reynolds - 02/29/00 03:07:08
My Email:bettyandjim1@msn.com
How did you find this page?: By accident
Where are you from?: Hartford,Ky.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Hello Alice; Surprise, Surprise. I was surprised

Kay LaBute - 02/28/00 18:17:05
My Email:bokay@tc3net.com
How did you find this page?: p4
Where are you from?: Brooklyn Mich
Are You A Quilter?: Absolutely

Hi, quiltbug2. Can't recall if we "chatted" on Quilt chat (KAYO). I am a newbie to the PC and I received EQ4.1 for Christmas. This keeps me so busy I haven't time to quilt. I did just finish a Bl & Yellow quilt and hope to start Mach. quilting it today.W re you at the guild mtg. last nite? Hope to see you at "BINGO" soon. Very Nice Page. Love the flower motif. Would like it for quilt label. Have fun!! Kay ((HUGS))

Brenda - 02/25/00 19:34:06
My Email:junebug61599@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Browsing
Where are you from?: Orlando,Fl
Are You A Quilter?: Just Learning

You have a beautiful variety of quilts. I especially like the Sun Bonnet Sue. I too, want to make one.

Trina - 02/25/00 06:06:04
My Email:tee65tjj@aol.com
How did you find this page?: searched through aol
Where are you from?: NY
Are You A Quilter?: yes


- 02/22/00 13:15:10


Sabine Reichelt - 02/20/00 11:06:18
My Email:sabine@bogen-kirchner.de
How did you find this page?: by accident
Where are you from?: germany
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Alice, i just love your homepage. You are doing such beautiful quilts and stuff. I bookmarked this site and will visit it very often.

Kathy - 02/20/00 02:26:54
My Email:gappylips@webtv
How did you find this page?: Michelle
Where are you from?: Nashville,Russell St.
Are You A Quilter?: NNo,Not yet.

I love your web page.I love the Embroidery Quilt,Spring flowers,biscuit quilt,double irish was my favorite. But I like the rest to,but I won"t name them now. HAHAA!! I live about 4 house's down from Michelle. Is Quilting hard in the beginning? I like to E broidery. I can knit

Karen Batt - 02/17/00 17:23:41
My Email:Hbatt@aol.com
How did you find this page?: by accident!! I'm so glad
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas
Are You A Quilter?: Beginner

Thank you, thank you, for this wonderful page. I was actually looking for a simple quilt pattern for children to participate in. I teach Sunday School and help with the PCI Unit at Texas Childrens Hospital. And the next thing you know, I was at your si e. I can't wait to show some of the patterns to the children. God Bless you for your generosity...

Karen Batt - 02/17/00 17:20:36
My Email:Hbatt@aol.com
How did you find this page?: by accident!! I'm so glad
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas
Are You A Quilter?: Beginner

Thank you, thank you, for this wonderful page.

Sylvia - 02/15/00 21:58:08
My URL:http://homes.acmecity.com/rosie/auction/282/quiltshow.html
How did you find this page?: from a guest book
Where are you from?: WA
Are You A Quilter?: Definately

I really enjoyed seeing all your quilts. They are lovely. I see we have similar taste in quilt patterns. I have either done, or have the fabric for many of the same quilts. So much fabric...so little time.

CINDY MURPHY - 02/15/00 18:46:53
How did you find this page?: FRIEND
Where are you from?: OWENSBORO
Are You A Quilter?: NO


Viola Riggs - 02/15/00 02:12:06
My Email:riggs8r@aol.com
Where are you from?: SD
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Love your new site. Love the states. I would love to do something like that. I'm from SD let me know if I can help.

Shelley Callahan - 02/13/00 13:36:21
My Email:shelley_callahan@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: searching
Where are you from?: IL
Are You A Quilter?: yes,

I love your site. What a wonderful way to remember your son, I had a dear friend who passed away from aids, what a terrible diease this is. I am looking for a jar quilt pattern, have any suggestions, where I could find one. It looks like a fun quilt to make.

dorothy - 02/12/00 17:41:05
My Email:granny76@webtv.net
Where are you from?: owensboro ky.
Are You A Quilter?: no

beautiful quilts

Debbie Hyer - 02/12/00 05:54:49
My Email:dhyer@uswest.net
How did you find this page?: from Brenda's page
Where are you from?: Boise, Idaho
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I had fun tonight just wandering thru the links, I just got my computer and camera 3 weeks ago and I am off and running. The real reason I am writing, is I was fasinated w/state blocks. My mother-in-law just helped clean out a house of a women that was beautiful seamstress. I am the only quilter in the family and she brought me a huge state quilt with all the templates, etc. I think it is a bi-centennial quilt, but was actually finished in 1993. The blocks are 16" squares. Most are old fabrics exce t for the sashing, borders, backing and binding. I am going to try and take pictures, if you are interested in looking at, I have the plans and templates, all hand drawn. It really is a treasure. But I need more info. about the orgin of this quilt and aybe what inspired it. Please let me know if you would like pictures. Greetings from the state famous for potatoes. Happy Stitching - Debbie

Anne Gentle - 02/07/00 13:21:03
My URL:http://home.cinci.rr.com/gentles/
My Email:amgentle@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: from my Mom
Where are you from?: Cincinnati, OH
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I stopped by to see the Iowa quilt block my mom did -- it looks nice. Your pages must take a lot of work! Thanks for putting them together for everyone to see.

Alycia - 01/26/00 20:15:54
My Email:AlyciaGH@medmail.com
How did you find this page?: from Tigerlili's page
Where are you from?: CA
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Nice page! I love seeing all the quilts.

Peggy - 01/25/00 04:11:11
My Email:peggy@wt.net
How did you find this page?: bingo
Where are you from?: Houston, Tx
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Great project, Alice!!! What wonderful blocks! Good luck on finding the finishing ones!

beverly stockdale - 01/25/00 03:49:18
My Email:http://www.stockdal@k-inc.com
How did you find this page?: by accident
Where are you from?: indiana
Are You A Quilter?: yes


- 01/23/00 21:51:38


RUTH - 01/22/00 05:08:03
How did you find this page?: LINKS
Where are you from?: WA (THE OTHER WASHINGTON)
Are You A Quilter?: YES


Linda - 12/31/99 12:28:04
My Email:fayestevens@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: North Carolina
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

These are great projects and the ladies who have contributed, have done a wonderful job. Keep up the good work and friendships. Linda

Kathleen - 11/27/99 21:52:00
My Email:KMOD225@aol.com
How did you find this page?: broswing
Where are you from?: Bay Village , Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: yes, 4 yrs,

I like your page, very nice, I like to do paper piecing, and machine piecing. can't do hand stitching very well at all. please send me updates or whatever. thanks Kathleen

Kathleen - 11/27/99 21:48:10


Carolyn - 11/27/99 17:09:23
My URL:/Nashville/Opry/6080
My Email:bingolady12@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: You know how
Where are you from?: Friendly Village
Are You A Quilter?: Nooooo!

Just dropped by to see how the State Blocks are going. I really like the one from Nevada. I'll be glad when you get them all. Love Carolyn

Yvonne - 11/27/99 02:45:15
My Email:yvesel@mpx.com.au
How did you find this page?: links fromquilters album
Where are you from?: n.s.w.australia
Are You A Quilter?: only made 2, deciding how to do the third

really enjoy these quilt sites, makes me very envious, they all look so goo. will look at all your state swaps eventually, and drool.

Mary Montez - 11/23/99 15:33:58
My Email:mlm711@aol.com
How did you find this page?: From Alice!
Where are you from?: West St Paul MN
Are You A Quilter?: Absolutely!

Hi Alice! You do such beautiful work - especially the crocheting! I've done some of that, but nothing like the pineapple tablecloth! Thanks for sharing!

Linda Putnam - 11/03/99 22:08:01
My Email:lputna@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Fort Worth, Texas
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I've enjoyed my visit very much, you have been a busy lady. Thanks

Mary - 11/03/99 11:22:32
My Email:grizzly@eznet.net
How did you find this page?: surfed in
Where are you from?: NY State
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Wish you had a Wyoming Block.

Stefanie Jackson - 10/28/99 15:22:58
My Email:Needlewood@aol.com
How did you find this page?: link from another site
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I enjoyed the state block swap. I would like to participate in a future swap of any kind if you think of one. Stefanie

helen - 10/02/99 17:06:43
My Email:benallick@bc.sympatico.ca
How did you find this page?: by accident
Where are you from?: summerland bc canada
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Had a great time on the site and will be back for a longer view next time.

EVA - 09/26/99 05:34:01
How did you find this page?: SURFING
Where are you from?: MISSOURI
Are You A Quilter?: VERY LITTLE


Michelle Hale - 09/18/99 13:15:59
How did you find this page?: from onelist
Where are you from?: Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: Definately!!

I love everythign about your site. You are a very talented lady. I get a lot of inspiration from looking at all that you have done! Keep up all of the good work. You really are a neat person!

Stephanie - 09/15/99 02:07:45
My Email:jangelo@home.com
How did you find this page?: dogpile search
Where are you from?: Maryland
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

What a great job ladies and gents!!!

Donna Kennedy - 09/12/99 03:12:29
My Email:BeeCurly@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: you sent it to me!
Where are you from?: North Las Vegas NV
Are You A Quilter?: would you believe a wannabe?

When you get this quilt done, are you going to put it up for the whole world to see? I hope so!

sue williams - 09/08/99 00:47:51
My Email:sue4908@aol.com
How did you find this page?: E-mail fr. Jan Grami3
Where are you from?: Patterson,La.70392
Are You A Quilter?: yes

On P4 I saw a question re: baby balls and I e-mailed for pattern, in return I was gilven this address of which I am most pleased. Thank you, Thank you.

alice - 09/07/99 11:43:14
How did you find this page?: friend
Are You A Quilter?: yes


doris_conarty - 09/02/99 04:09:52
My Email:doris_conarty@westsig.com.au
How did you find this page?: on the internet
Where are you from?: australiafor the last six years org from Scotland
Are You A Quilter?: very new to it

Thank you for your kind offer of help and your new home pages are very very good. You must have spent a lot of time on it. I am new to the internet and only at work so it takes a little time for me to answer. I am also new to Australia (six years) a d I thought it would help to meet and make new friends.

Wendy - 08/28/99 04:35:46
How did you find this page?: a friend
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Are You A Quilter?: no

I just wanted to say how inspired I was to become involved in a group like your own. The pictures of you and your family really gave it a personal touch that went straight to the heart. My love and prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you.< r>
Betty Tucker - 08/27/99 19:19:10
My URL:http://outreach-international.org
My Email:betty_tucker@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Link from 2 S.A. Broads
Where are you from?: Pleasant Hill, MO
Are You A Quilter?: yes - I'm in 6 guilds

I'm at work surfing - I'm new on the web. I must get back to work but will check you site again. I'm president of one guild and always looking for program ideas. I'm in 3 charm exchanges, and two round robins and co-chair of our quilt show coming up in Nov. I'd love to get an e-mail from anybody out there.

Betty Densford - 08/26/99 19:34:18
My Email:Betkwilts@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Return Visitor
Where are you from?: Memphis, Tennessee
Are You A Quilter?: yes!! 10 Years and going strong!!

Hi everyone !!! I'm back!! Alice, I just love your site! All of your links are super. I,m off work today and I really should be quilting, but this web surfing is really fun, fun, fun!

Laurel Weekley - 08/26/99 15:20:44
My Email:wjwrunner@prodigy.com
How did you find this page?: just browsing
Where are you from?: Maine, originally; NY now
Are You A Quilter?: YES

It was fun looking at all the photos. I enjoyed all the info in the patterns area and will use some of them. Thanks. LLW

Betty Densford - 08/26/99 01:49:25
My URL:http://Betkwilts
How did you find this page?: Return Visitor
Where are you from?: Memphis, Tennessee
Are You A Quilter?: 10 years

Hi Alice, I'm still new to the computer, but I'm learning fast. We just got hooked up to AOL. Finding your page makes me happy! I love to make new quilting friends. I have made two baby quilts, worked on my crazy quilt, and getting ready to start a t-s irt quilt for a friend in the morning. I'll be in Kentucky at a three day quilt retreat in September with three other quilting buds. The last time I visited you , I was at work taking a break, this time I'm at home with my two teen son's waiting to use th computer. See ya, and keep up the good work!

jean elmquist - 08/23/99 17:59:30
My Email:elmquist@jps.net
How did you find this page?: surfing the sites
Where are you from?: CA
Are You A Quilter?: yes (wannabe)

Love your site, sorry about your son, I have seen some of the quilts they have did for Aids and they are so beautiful. just brings tears to your eyes.. Now that I found this site will visit more often.. Keep up the good work..

Leslie Haley - 08/19/99 19:50:15
My Email:lcolliso@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
How did you find this page?: Web search under quilting
Where are you from?: Iowa
Are You A Quilter?: Very New Beginner

I am starting to get into quilting and am really having a good time looking at the projects that others have done. You have made some beautiful quilts- keep up the good work!

Leslie Blair - 08/18/99 17:44:54
My Email:lmbrvilrse@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Linked from Leween's Page
Where are you from?: Colorado
Are You A Quilter?: YES!!!!!

Nice site, do you want a block from Colorado? If so what is your size and Colour requirement. I would also welcome a block from you. Leslie

Katie - 08/16/99 19:55:05
My Email:MaOfPawz@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Beginners Quilt list
Where are you from?: Ca.
Are You A Quilter?: Beginner (real beginner)

What a great site!

Michelle - 08/16/99 14:50:13
My Email:mlmhart@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: referred
Where are you from?: wa
Are You A Quilter?: trying to be...LOL

I enjoyed your site....I only visited yoyo's and buisquit quilting pages, I will be back....oooh, that sounds like a threat...!! Thanks, Michelle

Judy Clavin - 08/16/99 13:43:22
My Email:tsarukas@aol.com
How did you find this page?: I found it in my beginners quilt list.
Where are you from?: San Lorenzo, California
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I love to quilt and have been quilting for some time. I just love your site so much to see!

sandi - 08/15/99 23:19:11
My Email:sandi@cellone.net
How did you find this page?: by chance
Where are you from?: PA
Are You A Quilter?: newbie quilter

I really like your site a lot. Love the pictures and all the free patterns. I was especially sad to read about your son. Will be back here often, now is in my Favorites. God Bless Sandi

marie hollister - 08/09/99 23:29:50
My Email:Dow Home Furnishings
How did you find this page?: your guestbook
Where are you from?: Orleans Ne.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes,Yes,Yes.

Your Quilts are great.My favorite is No Name.

Sue Page - 08/08/99 20:02:24
My Email:sugar@midtn.campuscw.net
How did you find this page?: Leween Durrs Link
Where are you from?: Rockvale,TN
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

You have an interesting and great selection of quilts and blocks.

DEBBIE BROOKMAN - 08/05/99 18:35:48
My Email:ebbycat@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: quilttalk
Where are you from?: Prescott,Az.
Are You A Quilter?: yes

very nice I'll be back!

JoAnn Juno - 08/03/99 03:41:40
My Email:jjuno@gcnet.com
Where are you from?: GARDEN CITY SK
Are You A Quilter?: Yes, a new one


Elinor( NYS) - 07/31/99 22:23:01
My Email:elrinhom@ascent.net
How did you find this page?: On the Web a long time a.go it seems
Where are you from?: The OLE Farm
Are You A Quilter?: Sometimes I think so.

The changes are great as they always are Alice.So many new items to enjoy.It's always fun to go back to your site as you are always making and adding new things.I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT. Love the new craft links as well.Shell look more at them tonight.Looks like fun.Your a real Pro.God your good !

Nancy Durand - 07/30/99 03:32:44
My Email:sewtrain@alaska.net
How did you find this page?: onelist
Where are you from?: Alaska
Are You A Quilter?: yes


jennifer gipe - 07/25/99 01:12:37
My Email:gipej.com

Do I have to look at yo-yo's? Please Alice have some pity on a friend. Alice, your site is great. The music is fantastic. See you soon.

terry - 07/23/99 13:34:06
My Email:tks5@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: just went looking
Where are you from?: orlando fl
Are You A Quilter?: yes


Garnet - 07/23/99 11:31:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/4213/
My Email:rguwood@conninc.com
How did you find this page?: Your post to the Frenzy list.
Where are you from?: North Carolina
Are You A Quilter?: I am a Quilter and my home is in pieces!

Wow.... you have been bitten by the quilt bug for certain. Beautiful work - inspires me to get busy. Looks like you will be a wonderful new Frenz.

Lillian Lenhardt - 07/23/99 03:25:28
My Email:Lenhardt42@aol.com
How did you find this page?: web search for quilt
Where are you from?: Holllywood FL 33026
Are You A Quilter?: Yes-10 yrs or so


Taryn Bazzano - 07/19/99 14:55:04
My Email:rbazzan1@midsouth.rr.com
How did you find this page?: link of a link
Where are you from?: I live in Tenneessee, but I am from Hawaii
Are You A Quilter?: YES

I really love Hawaii and California!

Jim Wethington - 07/18/99 02:35:14
My Email:jwethin319@aol.com
How did you find this page?: YOU TOLD ME !
Where are you from?: 2313 Sir Wren Court
Are You A Quilter?: No, I'm an user


Nancy - 07/17/99 10:35:31
My Email:michaels@iinc.com
How did you find this page?: someone sent link
Where are you from?: NYS
Are You A Quilter?: Yes definitely

Great site and I have passed it on. Enjoyed my visit very much. Nancy

KATHY POPE - 07/17/99 03:38:31
How did you find this page?: JUST HAPPENEND ACROSS IT
Where are you from?: MESA,AZ
Are You A Quilter?: YES


Pat Englebretson - 07/16/99 19:16:32
My Email:patengl@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Choctaw, OK
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Enjoyed your website. Thanks

Pat - 07/16/99 03:24:01
My Email:PatsQuilt@aol.com
How did you find this page?: I did a search for stain glass quilts
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I have been searching for months for patterns for the stain glass type of quilts. I had not actually seen them but had herad of them on a chat. I was told that you use black bias tape... Would you mind giving me some hints on how to do them...the ones here are breath taking and I am now wondering if I should attempt to try to do them. I am a fourth generation quilter, I love the old fashiond patterns that my grandmother did, and my mom. I did a research paper for an Honors History class, on the underground railroad and low and behold found that quilts played an important part in slave y history, after months of digging. (there's a long story on why I choose that subject I choose quilts first but had to change)any way thanks for taking time for my rambling. Your page is wonderful. Best Regards, Pat I do have a web page but it doesn't compare with what you have here so I will pass on it's location. ;)

Gerry - 07/15/99 20:57:11
My Email:gerprodger@aol.com
How did you find this page?: links
Where are you from?: Minneapolis, MN
Are You A Quilter?: YES!

Love seeing what other quilters are doing! I followed some "jar quilt" links and got to your page. Plan to make one as soon as I finish numerous others! Lots of UFO's in my sewing room...

Betty Densford - 07/15/99 18:30:07
How did you find this page?: Browsing
Where are you from?: Memphis, Tenn.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes, Yes, Yes

I loved your page, it's the first one I've seen . I'm at work taking a break and I'm glad I did. I love to meet new quilting friends. I am very active in my local guilds and in national quilting associations. Quilting is a daily priority of mine. It s a pleasure to visit you and I'll visit you again soon. Thanks, Betty

Cathy Bakalich - 07/13/99 21:54:15
My Email:cabak@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Fla. & Wisconsin
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Your web site is great! I can really relate to it. I have to tell you a story about Chicken Scratch! I was at a garage sale and there was a pile of brown & white gingham squares (about 12) about 16" squares. Four were completed. The women tried to sell them to me as is as I was the only one who even knew what it was. I told her I had too many projects now and didn't need another. To make a long story short, she gave them to me with her blessings. I have completed all but three. Please send me your snail mail address and I will send you a picture of one of them. Maybe you can give me some ideas! Thanks Cathy

Cathy Bakalich - 07/13/99 21:53:38
My Email:cabak@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Fla. & Wisconsin
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Your web site is great! I can really relate to it. I have to tell you a story about Chicken Scratch! I was at a garage sale and there was a pile of brown & white gingham squares (about 12) about 16" squares. Four were completed. The women tried to se l them to me as is as I was the only one who even knew what it was. I told her I had too many projects now and didn't need another. To make a long story short, she gave them to me with her blessings. I have completed all but three. Please send me yo r snail mail address and I will send you a picture of one of them. Maybe you can give me some ideas! Thanks Cathy

Sandy - 07/12/99 16:03:21
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/8256
My Email:s_foster@earthlink.net
How did you find this page?: listserv
Where are you from?: Nevada -- very recently!
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Wonderful page, Alice! I love what you've done!

j johnson - 07/11/99 23:55:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/7087/index.html
My Email:grnmawpowr@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: from another's pagesite
Where are you from?: tn
Are You A Quilter?: no

your state quilt is going to be so neat. i like looking at quilts but no good at making them. my mother-in-law has made a couple of them. i am going to send her your website to look at. i will keep checking in to see a "finished product" of state block . sorry to hear about your son. i don't even want to find out if i am strong enough to bear that. god bless and keep you. ~~~grn~~~

Sharon Murdock - 07/08/99 13:57:27
My Email:oreodog@usmo.com
How did you find this page?: Hickory Hills Quilts link
Where are you from?: Lake of the Ozarks in MO.
Are You A Quilter?: beginning quilter


Claralee Milburn - 07/06/99 17:21:46
My Email:clarageorg@aol.com
How did you find this page?: surffing web
Where are you from?: MD
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Have enjoyed seeing your work.

Vicki - 07/06/99 04:46:20
My Email:roach@sssnet.com
How did you find this page?: browsing
Where are you from?: ohio
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Loved your site ----Hope to make bottle quilt soon .Thanks for sharing it .

Janet Barry - 07/02/99 23:27:10
My Email:Jcquiltb@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Link from CDDesigns
Where are you from?: Florida/originally New Jersey
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I love your page. It's so colorful and informative. I loved reading about you and your family. It made me very sad to read of the loss of your son to aids. But, you have done well in putting your grief to good purpose. May God bless you and yours. Happy quilting. Janet

scdriver - 07/02/99 02:31:04
My Email:cessna747@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: from alittle birdie
Where are you from?: the other side of the tracks
Are You A Quilter?: a wanna be

love all your new additions especially the drunkards path

Nancy Martin - 06/30/99 21:10:51
My Email:NMartin592@Aol.com
How did you find this page?: you told me!!!!!
Where are you from?: the other side of town!
Are You A Quilter?: Kinda... not as good as you. I'm better at serging!


ronilynn - 06/29/99 16:31:38
My Email:quiltinmd@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: pp4
Where are you from?: maryland
Are You A Quilter?: try


Pat LaCross - 06/27/99 20:31:52
My URL:http://n/a
My Email:RLacpat@aol.com
How did you find this page?: paper-piecing
Where are you from?: SanDiego
Are You A Quilter?: still trying!

Hi "Quiltbug"! Think I already signed your guest book but I enjoy your site so very much,just wanted to let you know again.Get sooo many ideas here! Just a question?Where is the picture of "cat nap"Got the answer that it couldn't be found..saw everything else.Did you emove it?Said it was new,and I eagerly clicked,no use! Thanks again,please keep up the good work.A wannabe,Pat LaCross

Kristine - 06/24/99 06:54:13
My Email:hartlaub@santanet.com
How did you find this page?: aljobritt's quilt page
Where are you from?: Alaska
Are You A Quilter?: every free moment!!

Very nice page!!

margie l. roberts - 06/22/99 19:36:30
My Email:margie_roberts@timeinc.com
How did you find this page?: just by searching
Where are you from?: new york city
Are You A Quilter?: I want to become one


Viola Payne - 06/21/99 04:08:20
My URL:http://goin.missouri.org
My Email:rpayne@goin.missouri.org
How did you find this page?: Just looking around
Where are you from?: Ava, Missouri
Are You A Quilter?: barely!!

Love your quilts. God Bless!!!

Viola Payne - 06/21/99 03:56:26
My URL:http://goin.missouri.org
My Email:rpayne@goin.missouri.org
How did you find this page?: Just looking around
Where are you from?: Ava, Missouri
Are You A Quilter?: barely!!

Love your quilts. God Bless!!!

Theresa at Tabs Patchwor - 06/17/99 01:57:23
My Email:B Bar102790
How did you find this page?: You Gave It to Me.
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Are You A Quilter?: YES!!!!!!!

Alice: Thanks for giving me your URL the other day at the mall. I've been pretty busy today making 3 baby quilts for my shop. Your web page is pretty neat. I enjoyed your pictures very much, keep up the good work. If you need any tips on quilting dro me a line or stop in.

Edna Robertson - 06/16/99 22:39:45
My Email:Sk8trsmom1@aol.com
How did you find this page?: a friend sent it to me.
Where are you from?: Manassas, Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: A Beginner

.. you have a very nice web page.. thank you for sharing with us... And so very sorry for your lose........ thanks bunches, Edna :-)

Magic Mike - 06/16/99 22:02:58
My URL:http://www.nepanetwork.com/magicmik
My Email:magicmik@darklands.microserve.com
How did you find this page?: Request for link
Where are you from?: Hughestown, PA, USA
Are You A Quilter?: Only did one but I send out factory scraps to peole all over the US who recycle them into great projects.

Very nice site, keep up the great work. Hope to see you one the rec.crafts.textiles.quilting newsgroup for a long time. Magic Mike

deanna - 06/12/99 17:36:32
My Email:ande39 @aol.com
How did you find this page?: sue sent it
Where are you from?: same city you are
Are You A Quilter?: of course

What a neat page. and so pretty I enjoyed visiting here.....

Sandy Brawner - 06/12/99 13:14:18
My URL:http://www.quiltcountry.com
My Email:sannton@centuryinter.net
How did you find this page?: sunshine list
Where are you from?: TX
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Very nice page. It didn't take that long to load.

Alice - 06/11/99 00:33:54
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/3714
My Email:quiltbug2@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: A Friend (My Bubby)
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Are You A Quilter?: You better believe it !

To all of you ladies that have visited here and not signed the guestbook, or left you address. I wanted to say thank you! So once again in the only way I know how... THANK YOU !!!

Carolyn Snider - 06/02/99 16:07:49
My Email:rcsnider@nemr.net
How did you find this page?: ss. list
Where are you from?: Queen City, Missouri
Are You A Quilter?: completely hooked

Enjoy your posts to the Sunshine list. Your web page is great!

judy nicholson - 05/30/99 02:25:58
My Email:walker9595@aol.com
How did you find this page?: e-mail
Are You A Quilter?: no-crossstitch

the page is great i enjoy seeing it and the oyhers you have had in the past, this has even more on it.. keep up the good work judy

Roberta Alexander - 05/30/99 00:56:33
My Email:Rallynq
How did you find this page?: Quilt list ?
Where are you from?: Greenwich, NY
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Comme on it.. keep up the good work judy

Roberta Alexander - 05/30/99 00:56:33
My Email:Rallynq
How did you find this page?: Quilt list ?
Where are you from?: Greenwich, NY
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I live your web site and I'll bet you had fun doing it.

Terry Henner - 05/27/99 19:58:25
My Email:tshenner@msn.com
How did you find this page?: From a link
Where are you from?: Cumming, GA
Are You A Quilter?: A beginning quilter

Thanks for letting me come in and browse....

Maxi Cass - 05/27/99 02:30:01


Janet - 05/25/99 03:30:56
My Email:janowski.prairie.lakes.com
How did you find this page?: browsing
Where are you from?: Minnesota
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I enjoyed your stories and whole page

Ilene knott - 05/23/99 20:36:56
My Email:iknott1724@aol.com
How did you find this page?: You Silly-(Just Kidding)
Where are you from?: Evansville
Are You A Quilter?: no


Gypsy - 05/23/99 14:48:17
How did you find this page?: noq
Where are you from?: Eden, NY
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Shirley Drumm - 05/22/99 13:27:29
My Email:drumm51@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: searching for information
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: yes and no

I have really enjoyed your website. You have alot of interesting quilts.

- 05/20/99 15:13:48


Pat LaCross - 05/19/99 04:52:48
My Email:RLacpat@aol.com
How did you find this page?: through the pp list
Where are you from?: San Diego
Are You A Quilter?: I try hard!!

Love your site......lots of information here.You are very helpful and have done a great job.Love reading your postings too.......you sound like a great friend to have.Please keep up the good work. Pat

Tanya Teague - 05/17/99 02:15:23


Joan Giorgianni - 05/15/99 06:49:38
My Email:jgqlts@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Cornacopia of Links
Where are you from?: Florida
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Great Site. Keep up the good work. What a pleasure to surf through.

roxanne chase - 05/14/99 17:27:00
My Email:rox157@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: you
Where are you from?: owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: no

hello alice did you get a game from have others if you to play

Lily Hayes - 05/11/99 19:43:34
My URL:http://kvquilts.com
My Email:lily@kvquilts.com
How did you find this page?: By following links
Where are you from?: British Columbia
Are You A Quilter?: Isnt everyone?

Have a new site for everyone to look at and would really appreciate any comments and/or suggestions. Warning.....it is a commercial site by and for quilters. BTW...nice job with the Flower graphics...would love to know how you did it!

Fredia Ketterman - 05/11/99 12:15:06
My Email:kettermanf@mindspring.com
How did you find this page?: You sent me a letter
Where are you from?: Owensboro, KY
Are You A Quilter?: noI'm so glad you noticed my address and wr

I'm so glad you noticed my address and wrote me Alice. This is very intersting. I love beautiful Quilts, maybe you can teach me to quilt..

Maria Gomez - 05/10/99 20:40:56
My Email:mgome@suffolk.lib.ny.us
How did you find this page?: Just Browsing
Where are you from?: Long Island, NY.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes i am and its great!


Doreen Best - 05/09/99 05:36:48
My Email:boomer@portal.ca
How did you find this page?: you sent it
Where are you from?: British Columbia
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I would love to have the pattern for the stained glass angel. Have been looking for one for about 2 years. No one seems to know where I can get it. Your page is GREAT!!!!!!! Thanks a lot!!

Elinor - 05/07/99 04:23:22
My Email:elrinhom@ascent.net
How did you find this page?: I had it , keep coming back
Where are you from?: The State of NY
Are You A Quilter?: Yes when I am not working with my genealogy

Hi Alice , Your quilt site getes better all the time.Thanks for the yoyo's.And all the new items,GREAT !

"SIS" - 05/07/99 01:49:29
My Email:jrd@netusa.net
How did you find this page?: Janice
Where are you from?: Indiana
Are You A Quilter?: no


Linda Koestel - 05/04/99 01:56:46
My Email:lkoestel@magicnet.net
How did you find this page?: P4 list
Where are you from?: Apopka, FL
Are You A Quilter?: yes


Florence Edmonds - 05/03/99 23:10:15
My URL:http://n/a
My Email:Floquilt@aol.com
How did you find this page?: through you
Where are you from?: PA
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I don't see a PA........what size are you doing?

Linda Slauson - 05/03/99 11:36:33
My Email:LSla101237@aol.com
How did you find this page?: pp onelist
Where are you from?: Upstate NY
Are You A Quilter?: Most definitely!!!!!

So sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I too lost a child many years ago but from a diffierent cause. We never expect to outlive our children. I'm new to computers, the web, and onelists. Spend time just "listening in the background". Now I jump in once in awhile. It's nice toink from P4
Where are you from?: Ky
Are You A Quilter?: Love it

Hi Alice Saw your post and just stopped by to say hi. Hope all is well with you. Kitty in Kentucky

Mary Agnes Donovan - 05/02/99 18:15:37
My Email:madonovan@worldnet.att.net
How did you find this page?: it was E-mailed to me
Where are you from?: Boston, MA
Are You A Quilter?: ABSOLUTELY


judy nicholson - 05/02/99 13:51:18
My Email:walker9595@aol.com
How did you find this page?: from your e-mail to me
Where are you from?: owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: wish i were but i am not

the page is great and i really do like it you did a wonderful job and keep up the good work and letters and e-mails coming judy

Joyce Besase - 04/21/99 11:52:52
My Email:jbesase@ntr.net
How did you find this page?: Surfing
Where are you from?: Katy, TX.
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Quiltbug enjoyed your website and what a nice surprise the music. I've talked to you in quilttalk. My nick is socksmom. Thanks for taking time to have a website. Joyce/socksmom

Betty Anders - 04/20/99 17:56:13
My Email:Foursk8ers@aol.com
How did you find this page?: At a nursing home.
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Brenda Morgan-Burns - 04/19/99 16:00:59
My Email:Brenda_Morgan-Burns@ocdsb.edu.on.ca
How did you find this page?: World Wide Web
Where are you from?: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Are You A Quilter?: Yes.


Caren Farber - 04/16/99 00:13:54
My Email:gramfarb@aol.com
How did you find this page?: BINGO
Where are you from?: Oregon
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Sandra Walden - 04/14/99 12:06:06
My Email:swalden@bacweb.org
How did you find this page?: invited
Where are you from?: Wash., DC
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I especially loved New Mexico & North Dakota, such bright happy colors. I'll be glad to add DC

Pat Winter - 04/12/99 18:00:28
My Email:katz//2vbe.com
How did you find this page?: you e-mailed me
Where are you from?: Oshkosh, WI
Are You A Quilter?: Yes, 2 1/2 years

Went on a quilting cruise 8 days, Carribean lines, really fun. Quilting camp this Fri-Sun with 30 total of us 50 mile radius, one in Sept. and one in August that costs more! 1st quilt king Constellation, commercially quilted.... didn't want to defeat my elf trying to q such a big one with no experience...doing smaller ones myself and have a deal with friend with big mach. to q mine and I put her bindings on in trade. We haven't completed much this last few months...I was laid up with flu, bronchitus and pneumonia and only out for three days...just started sewing again, couldn't sew all month, too tiring and so just slept and sat around, gained 10 pounds once I could eat again...no activity to wear off. Now to try to get into jeans again...Ugh.

Pat Winter - 04/12/99 17:55:57
My Email:katz//2vbe.com
How did you find this page?: you e-mailed me
Where are you from?: Oshkosh,


smiley - 04/11/99 14:39:46
My Email:Smiley_54834@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Email from Alice Holinde
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: Beginner

good page

Pamela Bockman - 04/07/99 13:50:07
My Email:pbockman@netscape.net
How did you find this page?: From the P4 list
Where are you from?: Reston, Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: I like to think so. But sometimes I think I'm just a creator of WIPs and/or UFOs.

Enjoy your site. Do you know where the butterfly pattern originated? I would love to add it to my growing list of things I want to do!! Of course, I should probably finish those quilts I've started.

cathy - 04/07/99 05:24:56
My Email:behink@aol.com
How did you find this page?: either p4 or quiltopia
Where are you from?: indianapolis indiana
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Alice, I haven't had a chance to review entire site yet, but the home page and the music is great. I too will be back. Keep up good work.

cathy - 04/07/99 05:04:04
My Email:behink@aol.com
How did you find this page?: either p4 or quiltopia
Where are you from?: indianapolis indiana
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Alice, I haven't had a chance to review entire site yet, but the home page and the music is great. I too will be back. Keep up good work.

cathy - 04/07/99 05:02:42
My Email:behink@aol.com
How did you find this page?: either p4 or quiltopia
Where are you from?: indianapolis indiana
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Alice, I haven't had a chance to review entire site yet, but the home page and the music is great. I too will be back. Keep up good work.

Liz Wade - 04/04/99 17:04:58
My URL:http://NOT YET
My Email:ewwade@aol.com
How did you find this page?: From one of your notes!
Where are you from?: Roscommon, MI
Are You A Quilter?: Are you kidding! Of course!

Alice, I love your pages. Have come several times, and did again when you mentioned the new quilt having been posted. I'm learning the html right now so that I can start a page of my own. You've done such a good job, and I really enjoy visiting.

JAM - 04/02/99 14:37:59
My Email:quiltjam@aol.com
How did you find this page?: been here before!!! P4 group,
Where are you from?: South Texas
Are You A Quilter?: OH YEAH!!!

Loved your page and thank you for putting your friend's Baby Balls on your site. I was wondering what they looked like!!! Appreciate your kindness!!!! JAM

Mike Wade - 04/01/99 20:42:06
My Email:mwade@daviess.k12.ky.us
How did you find this page?: You emailed me you big dummy
Where are you from?: Under a rock
Are You A Quilter?: Is that quilter or quitter

How the hell are you! I am glad to hear from you, be careful, sometimes Andy's joke may be a little raunchy!! Mother and Bob got home on Monday. They look good and seem to be doing great. Mary and I are going to Louisville for Easter to be with Julie and im. Andy will be coming down from Cincinnati to be with us. Have a good Easter Cousin Mike PS I need your Email address ( I couldn't get through tyo you )

Mike Wade - 04/01/99 20:40:10
My Email:mwade@daviess.k12.ky.us
How did you find this page?: You emailed me you big dummy
Where are you from?: Under a rock
Are You A Quilter?: Is that quilter or quitter

How the hell are you! I am glad to hear from you, be careful, sometimes Andy's joke may be a little raunchy!! Mother and Bob got home on Monday. They look good and seem to be doing great. Mary and I are going to Louisville for Easter to be with Julie and im. Andy will be coming down from Cincinnati to be with us. Have a good Easter Cousin Mike

Leween - 03/31/99 16:26:24
My Email:leween@cableone.net
Where are you from?: California
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Hi Alice, just thought I would stop by and say howdy. Your site is looking as good as ever. It's fun poking around and seeing your pictures too. Leween

MsButterfly - 03/31/99 03:03:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Monarchbutterfly
How did you find this page?: just browsing guilt leads
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Are You A Quilter?: Yes occasionally

I love all the lovely quilts and pieces you have here....I hope I can even come close to doing this well

jacobls - 03/29/99 02:11:19
My Email:jacobls@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: My Memmaw
Where are you from?: Nashville,TN
Are You A Quilter?: Not Yet !! Memmaw is working on it !

My "Bug Jar Quilt" is the warmest quilt in the world, and my memmaw is the best quilter. But maybe that's because I love her so much. And hope she will make me another one soon, Good Job Memmaw !! Jacob

Janie Williams - 03/26/99 21:58:08
My Email:jwilliams@ket.org
How did you find this page?: Link from D Richardson
Where are you from?: Lexington, KY
Are You A Quilter?: YES! - Mostly Piecer!

Enjoyed your page! Good luck on all the state blocks!

Maureen Lieberman - 03/26/99 18:41:38
My Email:Maurylieb@aol.com
How did you find this page?: friend found you first
Where are you from?: San Francisco area
Are You A Quilter?: from way back

Was very impressed with your site. Will come back and investigate fully when time allows. Don't we need a 60 hour day? Between working, home, family, sewing, and computer, there is never enough time!! have fun!

Cathy Elliott - 03/26/99 11:55:43
My Email:CEllio1042@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Great!!!
Where are you from?: Lenexa, Kansas
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I love all of the interactions on the P4 list. Your web page is great! I will have to try these quilt balls!

Paula - 03/26/99 04:23:25
My Email:Sissy1a@aol.com
Where are you from?: Southern, Indiana
Are You A Quilter?: Just learning

I loved your page Alice. I think it is absolutely wonderful. You have a lot of talent.

linda - 03/26/99 02:56:37
My Email:ifbell@indy.net
How did you find this page?: jan from florida
Where are you from?: indiana
Are You A Quilter?: yes

good job

Susan Traynor - 03/25/99 02:43:44
My Email:Suesewqult
How did you find this page?: P4 list
Where are you from?: Oakdale, CT
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Great Page. How did you set it up? Are your Quiltbug from Mass?

Ree - 03/24/99 19:12:09
My Email:ahoy@always-online.com
How did you find this page?: browsing
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I am so impressed! One of the best pages I have seen. If you are a beginner then I have a longgg way to go. :) I love the 'stain-glass' work. Makes me want to take classes in that technique. I shall certainly be coming back here, frequently. Thanks for a Great Site ! Happy Quilting, Ree

Pamela Bockman - 03/24/99 16:31:48
My Email:pbockman@netscape.net
How did you find this page?: On one of the lists - quiltopia or P4.
Where are you from?: Reston, Virginia - just outside of Washington, DC
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Mary Anne Romanowski - 03/24/99 16:07:20
My Email:rfr1@frontiernet.net
How did you find this page?: thru PaperPiecing Digest
Where are you from?: Rocheste, NY
Are You A Quilter?: yes, but beginner

I got interested in quilting about 3 years ago thru a wonderful quilt show at a local Meth. Church. What wonderful ladies there and I look forward to a new class or two each year. Have finished only 2 projects but want to start a stained glass wall hang ng for my son. Your site is wonderful and very inspirational. Be assured that others have found quilting to lift a heavy heart.

kitty - 03/23/99 19:04:34
My Email:katz41017@netscape.net
How did you find this page?: linked from list
Where are you from?: KY
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I had to stop by and see what the baby balls were. Thanks for putting them on your website.

Carma - 03/23/99 17:14:43
My Email:carma@charm.net
How did you find this page?: quiltopia
Where are you from?: Baltimore, MD
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Thanks for the baby ball pattern. I'm going to sew a couple bells inside to see if some sound will make it through the filling.

Diane Taliani - 03/23/99 03:05:38
My Email:Sewkitty@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Through P4
Where are you from?: Riverside, California
Are You A Quilter?: YES YES YES

Your page is great. Thank you.

Mary Lou Davis - 03/23/99 01:56:49
My Email:MLDMaine@AOL.com
How did you find this page?: P4 list and Jan
Where are you from?: Living in Maine
Are You A Quilter?: Trying to be

Your site is great -- sun to "surf" around. Thanks for putting the quilkted baby blocks and the pattern up so quickly. It was great to be able to actually see them.

Betty Knight - 03/23/99 01:33:37
My Email:bettyix@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: P4 list
Where are you from?: Western Australia
Are You A Quilter?: Trying very hard to be

Great site Alice, enjoyed it immensely. Best Wishes

Ann Cox - 03/22/99 23:17:58
How did you find this page?: Jan Pritchard
Where are you from?: Canada
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Thanks for your efforts putting up the baby's quilted balls.

Rita Pape - 03/22/99 20:15:29
My Email:meripape@nut-n-but.net
How did you find this page?: P4 List
Where are you from?: Fl
Are You A Quilter?: Oh my yes

Alice, your site is very well done. Thanks

Carolyn - 03/22/99 19:58:14
My Email:qcar123@aol.com
How did you find this page?: posted on P4
Where are you from?: California
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Love your pcxs just need to figure out why they were clearer in netscape. Thanks for posting the Baby balls. Carolyn

Sonjia - 03/22/99 17:17:56
My Email:sonjia@eurekanet.com
How did you find this page?: quiltopia
Where are you from?: OH
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Loved your site. Thanks for the baby balls. I was so curious after all the comments about them.I've been here before and maybe signed the guest book. Thanks

Kathy Brigham - 03/22/99 16:44:32
My Email:Kabrig@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Quiltopia
Where are you from?: West Chester, PA
Are You A Quilter?: ABSOLUTELY!

Great site Alice!

Aldine in - 03/22/99 13:19:28


Karen Weidler - 03/22/99 11:17:43
My Email:weidler@velocity.net
How did you find this page?: P4 list
Where are you from?: Girard, PA
Are You A Quilter?: You bet!

Alice I just love your web page! I came to check out Jan's pattern. You are real inspiration to us all. Just loved the music ... toes all still tapping!

Jan Pritchard - 03/22/99 11:09:43
My Email:grami3@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: from a special friend
Where are you from?: Florida
Are You A Quilter?: yes, of course

Thanks Alice for adding the quilted baby balls to your site. You have worked hard on it and it really shows. Love the stained glass section also. Keep up the good work and will talk to you soon. Jan

Margaret - 03/22/99 01:25:02
My Email:dmgrice@aol.com
How did you find this page?: P4
Where are you from?: Texas
Are You A Quilter?: YES YES YES

Love your sight - the blocks are so cute I am going back to school tomorrow after spring break and did not accomplish all I wanted to. Oh well another day will come Margaret

Moni - 03/22/99 00:49:15
My Email:moni@ricochet.net
How did you find this page?: Thru P4
Where are you from?: Nebraska - home of the Cornhuskers
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Just clicked on and bookmarked your site. Looks lovely so far. Will be back later this evening....time for supper soon.

Jeanne - 03/20/99 19:17:15
My Email:jlloz@ma.ultranet.com
How did you find this page?: browsing
Where are you from?: Massachusetts
Are You A Quilter?: trying to be!

Love your site! How do you do it all?? Quilt, computer and just doing the everyday "stuff"?? Takes me ions to finish anything!!! You seem to be able to do it all. Good for you!!

dianna - 03/18/99 06:53:50
My URL:http://www.bizibee.com
My Email:dianna@bizibee.com
How did you find this page?: surfing
Where are you from?: oregon
Are You A Quilter?: no

I enjoyed looking over your page! :)

Carissa - 03/18/99 00:36:24
My URL:/Heartland/Lake/2631
My Email:carissab@ehmail.com
How did you find this page?: you signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: Calgary, Alberta
Are You A Quilter?: want to be one day


Your site is wonderful! I absolutely love all your quilts! My favorite was the Spring wip one! Come by and visit me again sometime soon, maybe you could teach me how to quilt too *lol* :~)

Carissa's Home

Diana in Missouri - 03/16/99 16:24:55
My Email:Djones@joln.net
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Dear Alice, I just checked out your page. I think it is great!!! I like the way it looks and the music. Great Job!!!

Reba White - 03/16/99 16:09:50
My Email:reba@tampabay.rr.com
Where are you from?: Florida
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Hi Alice, I like your site very much. I have been quilting for 20 years and I have done a small amount of PP. (Hexigons, hand pieced.) I have been very limited in my quilting due to lymphedema, rheumatoid arthritis and breast cancer. I recently finish d a round of physical therapy in hopes of resuming my sewing and quilting. I would like to work on a perfume bottle wall hanging, using a tiny stash of liberty of london fabric that was given to me as a gift 5 years ago. To be honest I am very nervous a d not really sure how to approach this project. I have not been able to sew at all for the last 2 years and this is a turning point for me. If you have the patience to tell me how to go about the piecing by machine of this project I would be so grateful What is your preffered method of making the foundation, what do you use? Do you print out the block using the printer and go from there? I printed out the pattern from the web. I am sorry to ask all these questions, but I guess since it has been so l ng since I have done this I am panicked. I have a WIP, an appliqued Baltimore album quilt that I had worked on for 4 years, prior to my illnesses and I have not been able to even take it out and look at it. So I thought the wall hanging might be just the ticket to get me going again and regain my confidence in my abilities. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post, I guess I was lost in the shuffle, because you were the only person who answered m , and for that I am greatful to you. Hugs, Reba

Emma - 03/14/99 15:25:35
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~gaga1
My Email:gaga1@idirect.com
How did you find this page?: Viewing another guestbook
Where are you from?: Toronto, Canada
Are You A Quilter?: I start with patchwork but do mainly crazy quilting now.

Hi QB! Enjoying your site. There's lots to look at so I'll go back to my tour. Happy quilting, Emma

Sandy Hagen - 03/11/99 19:11:44
My Email:slhagen@prodigy.com
How did you find this page?: RCTQ
Where are you from?: Omaha, NE
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Great site and great projects.

Colleen Gonnerman - 03/11/99 01:42:57
My Email:Chgonner@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Patchwords maillist
Where are you from?: Dallas, Texas
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

What little I have had time to seen is beautiful.

Christie - 03/11/99 00:54:55
My Email:Golden24@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: From you
Where are you from?: Rockport
Are You A Quilter?: nope

Hello your page looks great. also thanks for the jokes they keep me laughing

Norma Nichols - 03/10/99 22:54:34
My Email:eileennic@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: from a post to p4 list
Where are you from?: Indiana
Are You A Quilter?: YES

I've only been doing this since 1989 and I LOVE it very much, can't seem to get my fill. It's LIFE to me. I volunteer teach beginning quilting at work on my day off (Monday) and love it. Thanks for the page, it's really good. Norma Nichols

Elinor - 03/07/99 19:14:36
My Email:elrinhom@ascent.net
Where are you from?: NYS
Are You A Quilter?: Sure am

Hi Alice, Your web site gets better with each passing day.Your friends page is so homey folky.Looking forward to your putting patterns on your wonderful site. Hugs, Elinor

Patsy - 03/05/99 10:44:25
My Email:shullski@windo.missouri.org
How did you find this page?: your message @ Patchwords
Where are you from?: Southern Missouri
Are You A Quilter?: I like to think so

This is a marvelous web site. You have definitley given me some inspiration.

Allison Tucker - 03/04/99 16:42:10
My Email:hptownlab@carol.net
How did you find this page?: surfing the net
Where are you from?: Honea Path, South Carolina
Are You A Quilter?: YES!! Don't you love it!!


betsy carlin - 03/04/99 06:58:43
My Email:cspangle@bellsouth.net
How did you find this page?: through hotmail
Where are you from?: (EASTERN) 40 years ago
Are You A Quilter?: not .......yet.

hey girl you are looking real up town. you never come over any more .well we have taken up golf and we play every now and then<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.give us a stop by sometime we love ya<>,.<><><><><><><><><><>betsy/carolyn.....

Jerry W Thompson - 02/28/99 14:37:29
My Email:jthomp41@bellsouth.net
How did you find this page?: shelly
Where are you from?: nashville,tn
Are You A Quilter?: no


Bridie Sullivan - 02/25/99 17:08:02
My Email:bmsullivan@aol.com
How did you find this page?: quiltopia
Where are you from?: MA
Are You A Quilter?: I thought so

Alice Your site is incredible. You have the most beautiful work. I loved all of it, some of the states are marvellous. When you get mine from MA if you want me to re-do it - I would be happy to, I realize that is not up to the standard of the other blocks. Good Luck, keep up the good work Bridie in MA

MartiWI - 02/25/99 05:19:16
My Email:blueheaven@millstream.net
How did you find this page?: Your 2/24 e-mail on SS list
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting your web site.

- 02/24/99 16:06:37


Yvonne - 02/23/99 21:09:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/1617
My Email:quiltress2@exotrope.net
How did you find this page?: from quilting list
Where are you from?: New york
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Just love the state blocks. What imaginations on some. Really like your message board. Great site, what I've seen so far. Feel sure the rest will be just as great. Happy quilting

Joellen Jensen - 02/23/99 03:07:59
My Email:ajnwest@email.msn.com
How did you find this page?: Surfing the net
Where are you from?: Oregon
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

What a fun idea! Looks like you need a square from Oregon. But I'm swampped right now. Maybe later.

Jeanne Locke - 02/23/99 01:59:29
My Email:jeanne.e.locke@gte.net
How did you find this page?: quiltopia digest
Where are you from?: modesto California
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I enjoyed seeing you quilts. My son was impressed with the bug jar. He's 9.

Jan Alexander - 02/23/99 01:34:37
My Email:alexander_jan@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: link from Quiltopia
Where are you from?: Dickinson, Texas
Are You A Quilter?: YES!

Love your web site. I especiallly live the "roads" quilt. I would love to find that pattern. If you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks for your time and talent. It was and will be much enjoyed. Jan

Fran Holly - 02/22/99 13:23:40
My Email:bholly@concentric.net
How did you find this page?: quiltopia
Where are you from?: Maine
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Love your page! Thanks for letting us become acquained with you and your family.

Linda - 02/22/99 02:42:56
My Email:Quiltylady@aol.com
How did you find this page?: from Quiltopia
Where are you from?: Michigan
Are You A Quilter?: Yes. About 15 yrs.

Great Site

sue driver - 02/22/99 02:15:40
My Email:scdriver@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: a special friend told me
Where are you from?: ky
Are You A Quilter?: no

your new page is great i really enjoyed it. all your quilts are beautiful....

Sarah - 02/21/99 20:43:42
My Email:nicvic@dmv.com
How did you find this page?: Ss List
Where are you from?: Maryland
Are You A Quilter?: yes, I have been, but life sometimes takes me away from it.

I have enjoyed your page!! Happy quilting.:~)

Thordis Bjornsdottir - 02/21/99 17:41:11
My Email:aknet.is
Where are you from?: Iceland
Are You A Quilter?: Yes I´am a quilter


Lee - 02/21/99 17:27:37
My Email:DSRaccoon@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Patchwords digest
Where are you from?: The mountains of Tennessee, USA
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

I don't usually sign guestbooks, but you have a wonderful site. I really enjoyed visiting & will send your URL on to some Crone friends. I may even try (finally) the Stained Glass quilt that I have been putting off. Thanks for an enjoyable time. Lee...in the "sunny" south, where it is snowing & 23°!!!! 2/21/99

Marilyn C - 02/21/99 15:55:15
My Email:timmar@ncn.net
How did you find this page?: chat list;quiltopia
Where are you from?: Iowa
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

very Nice site, I admire you for all your great work and efforts with the quilting and this page. I am fairly new to the pc, but have quilted for 15 years. I took early retirement in April and this machine, my quilting, and dog have been a true savior for me. Thank you for your great site.

Brenda - 02/21/99 15:24:02
My Email:spankybee@email.com
How did you find this page?: you recommended it
Where are you from?: TX
Are You A Quilter?: yes!!

Love your pages, so much to see and explore! See you in quilttalk!

Mary - 02/21/99 03:07:08
My Email:mare@bit-net.com
How did you find this page?: patchwords
Where are you from?: NH
Are You A Quilter?: yes,yes,yes!

Alice you've got a wonderful page. Thank you for the tour. I enjoyed it.

Margaret - 02/21/99 02:21:29
My Email:MrsMVJ@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Patchwords
Where are you from?: Virginia
Are You A Quilter?: Yes


Pat Kleinmaier - 02/21/99 01:12:39
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ChaplinCt/pittiepat
My Email:peanutpeople@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: it was sent to me
Where are you from?: NC
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I love to quilt and am the editor of our local guild's Newsletter. I am always on the lookout for interesting sites to list in it.

janet - 02/21/99 01:00:42
My Email:ejdurden@rtr.net
How did you find this page?: searching for plastic canvas patterns
Where are you from?: corning, ca.
Are You A Quilter?: no


Sandy - 02/20/99 18:26:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/8256
My Email:sfoster@theriver.com
How did you find this page?: listserv
Where are you from?: Arizona
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Wonderful page and wonderful quilts! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your site. :)

Elinor (NYS) - 02/20/99 16:55:44
My Email:elrinhom@ascent.net
How did you find this page?: From a nice gal named Quiltbug
Where are you from?: Farm Country
Are You A Quilter?: Sure am !

Looking Good Alice.

Elinor - 02/20/99 16:35:14
My Email:elrinhom@ascent.net
How did you find this page?: SURFING THE NET
Where are you from?: NYS FARM COUNTRY
Are You A Quilter?: YES MAM !

Alice it's great ! Love your site !

Judy Z - 02/20/99 11:54:52
My Email:Judestr@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Lyris Planet patchwork
Where are you from?: Inver Grove Hts MN
Are You A Quilter?: Oh yeah!

I absolutely love your bug quilt! It's THE most original quilt I have ever seen. I felt I had to tell you how wonderful it is. What a lucky Grandchild you have. Judy Z

april - 02/20/99 03:15:45
My URL:/SouthBeach/Reef/9485
My Email:april1979@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: hmmmm, i wonder
Where are you from?: kentucky (yeeehaww)
Are You A Quilter?: no but i pretend to be (heh heh)

yay! I mad>http://geocities.com/SouthBeach/Reef/9485
My Email:april1979@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: hmmmm, i wonder
Where are you from?: kentucky (yeeehaww)
Are You A Quilter?: no but i pretend to be (heh heh)

yay! I made it to your page. AND I'm gonna go add the new link on my page now, not that anybody ever goes there (hint hint people!! especially my own aunt sandy!). Anyway, lookin good memaw!!

april - 02/20/99 03:12:56
My URL:http://geocities.com/SouthBeach/Reef/9485
My Email:april1979@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: hmmmm, i wonder
Where are you from?: kentucky (yeeehaww)
Are You A Quilter?: no but i pretend to be (heh heh)

yay! I made it to your page. AND I'm gonna go add the new link on my page now, not that anybody ever goes there (hint hint people!!). Anyway, lookin good memaw!!

Emma - 02/19/99 22:58:42
My Email:emlang@pcinternet.com
How did you find this page?: p4 list
Where are you from?: So. Calif
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Came through here first, enjoyed the previous messages and will now go back through the categories that have all gotten such good reviews. Good luck.

Rosemary Hughes - 02/19/99 21:59:54
My Email:RHughes517@aol.com
How did you find this page?: P4 list
Where are you from?: Northern California
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Nice web site, good job! I will be back. Have a great day. I am a p4 lurker, don't want to annoy anyone so just read and learn.

JoAnn - 02/19/99 17:13:19
My Email:jotto46@mtco.com
How did you find this page?: notice from you!!
Where are you from?: Il
Are You A Quilter?: Somewhat!

Your site is great now and certainly worth waiting for. I have skimmed thru all the new things on all the pages and you are to be congratulated! I am just in the process of beginning my first stained glass piece and only hope it turns out to be as good as yours!

Cindy - 02/19/99 11:04:11
My URL:http://bearycrafty.hypermart.net/
My Email:CLEP121@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Alice told me
Where are you from?: Syracuse, N. Y.
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Great page Alice, now I want to learn how to do this. Brad has gotten expensive.

sandy - 02/19/99 06:06:04
My Email:weezy27@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: e-mail
Where are you from?: quiltbugs womb
Are You A Quilter?: sadly, no

mom, you're still the greatest. i never thought i would ever hear you talk about url's and transloaders. i'm very proud to say, you're a lot smarter than i am. and thanks to uncle bubby and aunt carolyn for helping mom make her page the best quilt page on the net!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Mary Dettmers - 02/19/99 03:59:38
My Email:luvshuz@juno.com
How did you find this page?: Sunshine list posting
Where are you from?: So, Calif (L.A. county)
Are You A Quilter?: yes

I really enjoyed your page(s) very much. Keep up the good work. You've done a great job.

judy - 02/19/99 02:36:28
My Email:walker9595@aol.com
How did you find this page?: sent by quiltbug
Where are you from?: owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: no

it was great i really like it almost makes me want to learn to quilt, but no time maybe when i retire. i do too much with my grandchildren and my job some day i will join you judy

Agnes Pavlik - 02/19/99 01:48:12
My Email:apavlik@usit.net
How did you find this page?: Quiltopia
Where are you from?: Crossville, TN
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Really enjoyed your quilt show. Like you, I did a lot of crocheting, made three 72" dia. tablecloths for one thing. Then I discovered quilting and the rest is history. Could give away my crochet needles and never miss them. Happy quilting.

Geneva - 02/19/99 00:00:32
My Email:quiltsew@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: email list
Where are you from?: Florida
Are You A Quilter?: yes

Very interesting site. I will come back. I share your sorrow over losing a son. Mine hung himself.

sonjia - 02/18/99 22:57:12
My Email:sonjia@eurekanet.com
How did you find this page?: quiltopia or p4
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are You A Quilter?: Yes !

Enjoyed your site. I too am just beginning to paper piece and try the stained glass but not as new to quilting. Keep up the good work. If I find an Ohio block more interesting than the OH star, I will send it. Needs a cardinal on it.

cathy campen - 02/18/99 20:04:00
My Email:wercampen@aol.com
How did you find this page?: you sent me a link
Where are you from?: CT
Are You A Quilter?: Yes

Hey Alice,,,,this new page is great...you all deserve a big pat on the back......lot's of work and a wonderful final product......luv, thimble

Donnely L. - 02/18/99 17:29:54
My Email:sanityspring@trtion.net
How did you find this page?: quiltopia reference
Where are you from?: Spring Lake, Mi
Are You A Quilter?: yesssss!!!!!!!:)))))))))

Hi, I', new to the quiltopia newletter. I am an avid quilter, designer, all types of needlework person. I am also in the process of puting my own web site online. I have been selling my patterns locally and am starting to have some sucess. Love your site nd admire you get go. I have firbromyalgia, raynaud's and other joint problems. will visit your site again. Donnely

Susan Shewczyk (Suszy) - 02/18/99 15:09:32
My Email:suszy1@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Your post to the quiltopia list
Where are you from?: Illinois
Are You A Quilter?: Yes. Actually just getting back into it after many years off.

I loved your site. The stained glass projects are stunning and I'd love to learn more about them.

Carol - 02/18/99 14:44:55
My Email:MYBLEWBIRD@aol.com
How did you find this page?: your e-mail to p4
Where are you from?: Oregon
Are You A Quilter?: YES...I've been bitten

What a nice site. Thank you for the invite!

Elinor - 02/18/99 06:15:52
My Email:elrinhom@ascent.net
How did you find this page?: From you
Where are you from?: NYS
Are You A Quilter?: Sure am

Hi Alice, The New site looks great.The blocks too.The family and friends pictures make it so warm and friendly.Your one heck of a nice friend and quilter.Love Ya !

Carolyn - 02/17/99 05:54:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/6080
My Email:bingolady12@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: You know how
Where are you from?: KY
Are You A Quilter?: oh no

Hi sis! Hey we made a great web page huh? Even though I don't quilt I really like the state blocks. That was a great idea you had! Of course I like the KY block best! You're a great siser and i love you!

Jan Pritchard - 02/15/99 00:12:42
My Email:genejanice@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: from you... a great quilt friend..
Where are you from?: Pinellas Park, Florida
Are You A Quilter?: of course i am.. what else is there to do..

Hi Alice, Great job on your page.. You are good.. I love the flowers and can't wait to see the picture of the two of us.. Wish you had time to come back down..So glad we got to have some time together and looking for more and more.. Your a dear friend an I love ya... Keep in touch.. Your friend, Jan

Jerry - 02/13/99 16:37:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Portal/7244
My Email:trekker32
How did you find this page?: e-mail
Where are you from?: Owensboro, Ky
Are You A Quilter?: LOL...are you kidding!

Hi, Alice! Nice page here.. :) Either you or someone sure does know alot about HTML....lol. Now, visit a really interesting website, mine... :)

Sue Thomas - 02/13/99 16:02:40
My URL:http://userweb.abelink.com/thomas
My Email:thomas@abelink.com
How did you find this page?: from you
Where are you from?: Emden, Illinois
Are You A Quilter?: yes, I started with a pot holder (self taught. I still have it...1973

Nice job on your page...It takes awhile to get all the bugs out, but it is so rewarding to do your own page....will be back to check on the progress...Sue

Penny - 02/13/99 15:24:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9603/
My Email:thecostas@mediaone.net
How did you find this page?: you told me about it *S*
Where are you from?: Boston
Are You A Quilter?: Yes, for about 9 years, but a sewer forever!!

The new page looks great!! I love it, keep up the good work.. what a quilter's gallery! when do you have time to do it all? *hugs*..Penny

Henry Stephens - 02/13/99 00:32:02
My Email:Hsteph1201@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Nosey
Where are you from?: Lex/Owensboro
Are You A Quilter?: No

Very nice! When do you find the time?

- scdriver - 02/09/99 02:12:58
My Email:scdriver@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: know someone special told me about it
Where are you from?: ky
Are You A Quilter?: i wish

this page is great so much easier to read and brighter and the quilting is a 10 for sure....

Evelyn c - 02/09/99 00:10:30
My Email:sewquilt@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: from you
Where are you from?: Florida
Are You A Quilter?: but of course!

You gave me your web addy when I was looking for biscuit quilt patterns. THANX! I enjoyed them! While I was here I looked at everything else, nicely done. Very cute PP pattern of the shirt? Love to have it!! Where did you get it?? Evelyn C

Alice - 02/08/99 13:54:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3714
My Email:quiltbug2@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: My Brother Helped me !!
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Are You A Quilter?: You better believe it!!

Hi, Yep, it's me. The questbook is now ready, so if you havn't signed it yet now is the time. Thank you so much for visiting. ="/Heartland/Hills/3714/">My Home Page | Visit Heartland/Hills | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage