7-20/01 An Internet friend of mine has ask me to help her with an Internet swap, so I am posting it here. If you would like to take part in this, please contact Christmas in July 2001 and I am sure Teresa will be glad to help you.
3/29/01 Now here is a picture I have been meaning to add from some time. This is a wall hanging Jan from FL sent me some time ago..and I am just now getting around to adding the picture. Sorry Jan, and Thanks..it is great !
12/2/00 Today I received a couple of very nice gifts from my friend Thelma, from Ore City,TX. This was her way of thanking Carolyn and I for helping with her web page. Thank you Thelma. These are great.
12/3/00 Here are just some blocks I have been playing with.. Well, I wanted to see if I could do "Celtic's" and yes I can... the bias strips are made from my scrap box...and of course they are hand applique'.
10/17/00 As you know (if you have been here before) I have met the two of my internet pals in the last couple of years...This past weekend I met the third. She is Vicki (Aljobritt) from California. She flew in to spend the weekend with me and oh, what a time we had. I can't wait for her to visit again. Judy came by and did the pictures for us. Thanks Judy.
...And a wall hanging I have been wanting to show you and it is finally finished. The pattern was a gift from The Applique' Society when I renewed my membership, my thanks to Jaydee Price for this pattern...I love this wall hanging and yes, it is all hand appliqued and quilted.
Next is a baby quilt I just finished for Ashley in Oklahoma.
This is my first watercolor project .. Did this in a class at "Sidekicks" in Bowling Green. KY You will notice when the picture was made..It wasn't even sewn together, but it is now.
Next I would like for you to meet some of my Quilting friends I meet on the internet.
There is Brenda in Canada and Vicki in California and Jan in Flordia. So far the only one I have met in person is Jan. But we hope to change that real soon.
On 11/12/99 Bill and I took a trip to Canada. I finally got to meet Brenda in person. She is just as great as I thought she would be. Want to see the two of us together? O.K. Here WE are.
On our trip to Florida this year, back in Jan. 2000...Jan and I really got to play around. First here we are doing a little dance in our Christmas present that we both received from Brenda in Canada...Wish I could show you the whole dance...Then on to the sewing...Finally got Jan into applique'. This is really one of the "Stained Glass Flowers" but decided it would be a good one to start on. Of course we did find time to do some shopping too. And you should have heard the "fish story" Gene came up with this year.
Bill and I took a trip to Fl last year and met Jan and her wonderful husband Gene. Jan and I went quilt shop hopping, ever see a Quiltbug in a Quiltshop ? This picture was made at Rainbows End Quiltshop in FL.
Gene and Bill found their own entertainment. Want to see where they went ?
Now I want you to see a Tablecloth, that was made in Canada, California, and Kentucky. Yes, this was a Christmas gift last year from Brenda and Vicki.. They even arranged for it to stop over in KY..Brenda made the top row..I made the center, and Vicki made the bottom.. Then it went back to Canada where Brenda put it all together, sent it to Vicki who quilted it and then to me. It is beautiful and I am very proud to own it. Thanks Girls. Here is a close up .
This is a Table Runner made for me last year for Christmas by my wonderful friend Brenda in Canada. Here is a Close Up. She just does beautiful work.
Here are some of the things I made for Christmas in the the past years. Hope you like these. Christmas Decorations
Ever heard of Chicken Scratch? I just had to try it a few years ago. Never made a quilt but would like to someday. This is a Heart. How about a Star. Here is a Close Up of the stitches. 11/30/99 Just found a great new site (well it's new to me) with an introduction to Chicken Scratch. This is from Pegasus Originals, Inc. This is a great site.
These are some Lover Knott Placemats I tried a few years ago. You can see I was playing with the pattern. They were FUN !!
This is a jacket made for me by a friend from Cloverport, Ky. Her name is Kathryn Kever. Here is a back view.
Here are a couple of Hour Glass Baby Quilts made for new grandbabies of friends. The pattern was from Fons and Porter. Oh, almost forgot the other one.
This was a 66 year old quilt was given to a friend of mine named Kelly. It was all to pieces and she wanted to save a part of it for her daughter. Kelly's sister made it for her as a wedding gift. So she ask if I could make something her daughter could keep. This cutter quilt Bear is what we came up with. Her daughter loves it.
This beautiful quilt belongs to a teacher at the school where my daughter works. Her mother hand pieced it years ago. She said her mother had always tied her quilts, so that is the way we finished it.
Want to see the quilts I gave away for Christmas my first year in quilting. Now most of them were strip pieced and tied, but some were hand quilted (mostly in the ditch). You will not see any applique' quilts in this bunch. I was moving to fast. These were for my kids, mother, brother and SIL, and their kids. These quilts are all found on the quilts page.
This a one of those UFO's I guess we all have. I started it sometime back but do hope to finish it soon. It is called the Drunkard's Path . It is one of my favorites.
I saw a tv quilting show, don't remember which one and they were playing with what they called String blocks. Of course I just had to try it. Here is another one .
These blocks are also something I saw on tv and it reminded me of something my grandmother taught me a long time ago. She called it her trick for half sq. triangles. Here are just some of the blocks . This is also the pattern I used to do the Mosiac Quilt. Have now added the complete pattern on the lessons page.
O.K. enough for tonight, but I will be back soon and adding more things. So please come back and visit again.
9/17/00 Boy do I have a surprise for you... Vicki has designed a page for the pattern we came up with for the Memory Star Pattern . For right now you will have to use your back button to get you back here after you visit there...But we will get that fixed soon. Hope you enjoy the pattern and Thank you so much Vicki! I have such great friends and I love them all !
9/12/00 As you know for the past several days I have been working on a new project...So far so good... a new Photo Quilt Now here is a close up of one of the Blocks from the soon to be quilt. Be sure and let me know what you think. The block was designed by my friend Vicki, and used the Bubble Jet 2000 from Barbara
Want more information..Just drop Barbara a note, or visit her website Barbara's Quilting Quarters and let her tell you all about it.
I decided to try the Photo Memory Quilt that everyone is making. So now it too is ready to be quilted. It is a lap top quilt and measures 46" X 64"...Here is a close up, and yes that is my little brother and me...
Thanks Judy for the pictures!
I am really loving this Bubble Jet 2000... Barbara's addy is listed above if you want to get more information about it...Tell her I sent you.
7/11/00 As some of you know I recently attended a quilt show here in town put on by the local guild. The Owensboro Quilters Guild... I saw some beautiful work there and for the first time I had quilts on display ( Thanks to Ande)..The first is "Sun Bonnet Sue" and the second is "Indian Summer"
If you came here looking for the pictures from the Owensboro Area Quilt Guild Quiltshow 2000. They are now posted in E-groups under that same name.
6-8-00 Been trying out something new with Betty's help. I am trying to learn Stack 'N Whack...here is just the first block I have finished...I know I have more to learn...keep your fingers crossed. Now here is block #2 from the same fabric.
6/12/00..oh, boy lots of new things today... Here ia a layout of the Stack 'N Whack blocks I have finished so far, but yes, I do have a way to go.
5-14-00 Since it has been a while since I added anything, I thought I would show you one of the things I have been doing. On a recent trip to Gatlinburg, TN. I got to visit a wonderful quilt shop called Holloway's. Picked up this great pattern for a Rag Doll . Hope you like it.
5-1-00 Look at this beautiful Scrap Star Quilt . Here is a close up so you can see the colors. I received it in the mail for my birthday...Yes, my wonderful friend Brenda did it for me...Oh, how can I say thank you to a friend like that???
Also received several gifts from other friends..so far I haven't been able to scan them but I am working on it...Thanks everybody...You made it a wonderful birthday.
4-15-00 Today I am adding a new picture of
Terry and me. Long before there was quilting, there was Square Dancing. This is Terry and I at a Square Dance that we were doing for the people at Lee Manor. This is a retirement complex here in town. I made all of my dresses and Bill and Terry's shirts. This is one of my favorite pictures becaue in the background (in the red dress) is the lady that really helped me get started in quilting after Terry's death in 1993. Hazel Montogomery. Also the little girl in blue is my oldest granddaughter April...she is now 21, and I know she will hate this picture...hehe!! Told you I would get them.
Yep, it is finished now...Check out my Uncle Bob's quilt, on the quilt page!!