Welcome to the 
Dunne Family Homepage
Welcome to the Dunne Family homepage. This page
was setup by Ed Dunne and is supported by his wife, Vicky, brother, Terry, and
sister-in-law, Laura. The Dunne family wanted everyone to share in the growing families
that they're creating. We hope you enjoy the pictures and updates of the kids, and please
don't forget to sign the guest book!
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to this home
Sarah Elizabeth is now 9 months old. Her brother and sister shower her with affection (to the point of peril!). Her smiles and laughter brighten our days. She is such a sweet baby and very easy going. Her Aunt Erin calls her our little "porcelain doll".
Conor is the definition of BOY!!! He eats dirt, rocks, sticks and any other object that he can shove into his mouth! Basically, Conor puts his life in danger on an hourly basis! He has been saying more and more words lately, although his dominant language is still "Conor speak". He keeps us running and laughing!
Emily will be four in February. She is growing up way too fast. She enjoys playing with her Barbies and baby dolls. This Halloween she is going "trick or treating" as a princess. She is very excited about Christmas. She wants Santa to bring her an "Easy Bake Oven".
Unfortunately, Emily recently disgraced her parents by rooting for Jeff Gordon (#24) during a NASCAR race. She is still very young, hopefully she will grow out of it.
Kylie celebrated her 3rd birthday on May 30th. She is very happy in our new home and loves it when friends and family come to visit. The local park is her favorite stomping ground. She enjoys running the bases at the baseball field and going food shopping with her very own cart! Kylie is looking forward to starting preschool this Fall.
E-mail to Ed, Vicky & Emily
E-mail to Terry, Laura, Kylie & Conor