In search of a homeschooling curriculum for my children, I came across many homeschooling websites. Enjoy!!
Homeschooling Preschoolers This website, is owned by the Lewis Family and, " dedicated to showing you how you can design your own Christian preschool program easily without spending a lot of money on expensive pre-packaged curriculums. All aspects of development are addressed. This website covers K2, K3, K4 and K5."
Home Educators' Resources Online [HERO] This site has a Home Education FAQ's Page, Homeschooler's Handbook, and an article called "What is Unschooling". The also maintain the Homeschooling Webring.
Tarika Reading Page by Joan Callaway
Tarika- phonemic awareness page Some suggestions for being sure your child learns phonemic awareness while they are still young
Character Building
Adventures from The Book Of Virtues This PBS program is based on William Bennett's The Book of Virtues
The Character Education Page This page contains many links to character education resources.
Building Character Curriculum for Children Of The World
Message Boards
This is not only a great place for homeschooling advice. "...if you
or someone has a hs question it will get plenty of responses. But we are
also a support group for each other and are like family." (Pam, 3/22/97)
All of us from a previous homeschooling board received a great welcome
Homeschooling Magazines
Electronic Elementary Magazine
Practical Homeschooling Magazine
Sites that change Daily
Bill Nye's Experiment of the Day At this site you can find a new science experiment every day.
Cool Word of the Day This site has a new word, with it's definition, every day.
Geography Quiz There's a new Geo Biz Quiz here every day.
Keys for Kids This site is a great bible study site for young children. It has a story for the "key" of the day and a reference to bible dealing with the daily changing "key" word.
Links by Subject
Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student
Lesson Plans
Cotton Activities for K-12 Hands-on Learning Activities Using Raw Cotton. Includes plans on how to build a Cotton Gin.
Virtual Curriculum: Elementary Art Education This site is designed to aid teachers in the art education of elementary aged children.
Learning Space Lessons and Activities
Education Calendar & WWW Sites
Lily's Kids Family Child Care Page
If you have comments or suggestions, sendto
Please click on the yellow lilies to sign and read my Guestbook.
the web ring to other great homeschooling sites.
Updated 7/19/97