Auntie EM's Geezer Check
You know you are a Geezer if:
Your first concern in clothing and shoes is, "Are they comfortable?" rather than "How do they look?"
You pay the bills before they are due.
You are never late anymore, in fact, you always arrive 15 minutes early.
You have a chair that is "yours"; if you are married, so does your spouse.
You refuse to drink anything after 7 p.m.
You start looking for friends who will drive after dark.
You start looking for friends who will drive.
You carry around a little album of pictures of your grandchildren.
You have any great-grandchildren.
Your arms are not long enough for you to read newsprint.
Your favorite radio stations are talk or oldies.
You have quit reading self-help books because you are the way you are.
You find your old lunch box in an antique shop.
You no longer want the things you can finally afford.
You go out for dinner at 5:30 p.m.
You look forward to dull evenings at home.
Your card club changes from playing at night to playing in the afternoon.
You know how to play bridge.
You can remember THE war.
You know how to waltz.
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