Recipes from Good Chef Geezer chef pix pie line

Five-fiber Casserole
Geezers are always worried about getting enough fiber, but this is a dish the whole family will love!

350 degree oven 4 to 6 servings

In a casserole dish ( 1 to 1 1/2 quart size), combine the chicken broth, sliced carrots, kidney beans, barley, chopped onion, parsley, bulgur, garlic and salt. Bake covered in a 350 degree oven about 50 minuets or until the barley and the carrots are tender. Remove the cover, top with the cheese, and bake two or three minutes more until the cheese melts. This should make four main-dish or six side-dish servings.

NOTES: If you can get nonfat cheese that melts, use it. Frozen carrots are OK. Approximate calorie count with low-fat cheese is 974 so about 244 per serving for four servings.

rolling pin

Chicken Breasts with Lemon and Capers
It's good for you, easy to prepare, and special enough for dinner parties.

4 servings

1. Combine the flour, pepper, and paprika on a plate. Press the chicken breasts into the mixture, coating them evenly all over and shaking off any excess.

2. In a heavy 10-inch skillet, heat the corn oil over moderately high heat for 1 minute. Cook the breasts about 3 minutes on each side; then transfer the breasts to a platter and keep them warm.

3. Add the chicken broth to the skillet, scraping up any brown bits on the bottom. Stir in the lemon juice and capers and hear through. Pour the sauce over the chicken on the platter.

4. This is pretty garnished with lemon slices. I like to serve it with brown rice or cous cous or just with a hearty bread and a salad.

rolling pin

Turtle Trifle
There is more than a trifling of fat and calories in this; make it for a covered dish dinner
where everyone gets just a little bit

24 servings

Prepare brownies according to package directions, stirring in 1 Cup of pecans. Bake as directed, and let cool. Crumble.

Combine pudding mix and milk. Stir with a whire whist until smooth and thickened.

Microwave caramel topping on high until it is pouring consistency.

Sprinkle one-third of the crumbled brownies in a 4 1/2 quart baking dish or trifle bowl. Top with one-third of the pudding mixture. Drizzle with 1/2 cup caramel topping and spread with one-third of whipped topping. Repeat layers twice.

Sprinkle with chopped Heath bars and remaining half Cup of pecans. Cover and refrigerate overnight or at least six hours.

pie line

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