Lady's Little Corner

Lady's Little Corner

This is a picture of the newest addition to our family. She may be small, but she's spunky. Around her your toes are in mortal danger. She and Ginger get along very well, Ginger even protected her from a preceived threat one of her first weekends with us, which we think is a very good sign that Ginger is considering her one of our family.

Lady is now past the six month mark. She and Ginger play constantly. She has grown into a fine looking chihuahua. She also realizes she is a chihuahua now, meaning her barker has kicked in...:o) We are now working on curbing the barker.

She gets along fine with all the dogs down south also, she plays especially with Mom's newest Dixie, they run the house like a race track. Since Dixie has slowed down there's a newer poodle to contend with, named LJ, she is Lady's nemesis..they tear up everything playing when they're not growling at each other.

She uses all the toys Ginger had not played with in awhile, which makes Ginger want them, and they are good about taking turns with most of them. She eats anything food wise, like Ginger her most favorite is cheese.

Lady is now over a year old. She still has not slowed down. She does lay down to rest for about fifteen minutes,just to recharge her batteries, but, until bedtime that's about it. Update, Lady is now 4 getting ready to be 5 in December, 2002. She and Ginger are bestest friends and neither want to be boss. She hasn't really slowed down much and has caused Ginger to speed up a bit. She loves to go bye-bye and will jump in her carrier at the word...not wanting to be left out of the fun. Update, now it's 2004, and we've all moved back to North Carolina. She's having a blast being able to bark at everything from a fenced in yard. She still hasn't slowed down too much.

Here are some early pictures of Lady. I have yet to get the other four rolls of film developed much less scanned, one of these days I will remember. Sure is easier with the Digital camera.

Always on her mind

September 2004

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