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Tar Isteach!
Come In!

short line of smiley faces

short line of smiley faces

Hi!  My name is Meredith.  If you want to learn a little more about me, then visit my bio page and get the scoop on me.  I've just updated that page.  My picture gallery has been popular.  I have started a page of new pictures so visit it!


Throughout the years I have written a few poems and short stories and even have had a few of them published.  I usually write them when I'm sad or have something on my mind.  I picked a few of my favorite poems to share on the web.  My friends joke that I should change the titles so they just have the boys' names as titles instead of some weird name I thought up.

Tropical Isle line break

Why do blondes like Cheerios?
They think they're donut seeds!

If you liked that one, visit my Blondes jokes page.  I added more jokes and some graphix.

short line of smiley faces
my cyber cat
Do you like my Cyber Cat?  I got him at Jade's Dream Palace.  Visit her palace if you want a pet of your own.

Tropical Isle line break


visitors have surfed onto my Island.


Send comments and suggestions to: Lady Mer.


Smiley was here but now she's gone
she left her page to carry on
remember her name, remember this song
sign the guestbook before you've gone.


Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage View My Guestbook


Look what I found in my mail box!



See my Awards page for more honors.


short line of smiley faces
[Home Page]  [Blonde Jokes]  [Poems]  [Awards]
[The Scoop on Me]  [Pictures 1 [Pictures 2]


This page was last modified on: 17 Dec 1998

Isle of Mer banner
Special thanks to Grogg for converting my banner
to the new Geocities specs!


Korn's Shoots and Ladders


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take it or leave it

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short line of smiley faces
The Coop for Graphics

Graphics on several pages provided by The Coop.

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