Welcome to Denali & Evie's Dog Yard

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Here are all the girls, Denali, fawn, Evie, black and believe it or not Scooter, Yorkshire Terrier living with these two Gentle Giants, what a crew.

We hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Welcome to our home page. Denali, (Paragon's Sweet Denali Gold- fawn) is the long legged, slender bodied blonde with a good head on her shoulders and sweet tempered, quite vocal but reserved. She is also the November 1998 calendar girl in the Pridewood Dane Calendar. Her sister, Abby-brindle (Paragon's Probable Cause) is also featured as the July 1998 Calendar Girl. The girls have aged about 3 years since these pictures were taken, but you know what they say, they get better with age. We put Denali into retirement last May so now she is looking more and more like the couch potatoe she should be.

Evie, (Cameo's Enchanted Evening - black) is the sleek and shiny brunette built like a brick, a little shorter in stature, but has a great head on her shoulders too and a personality to match. Evie is my dog of many colors, she is a black but she sure acts like a Harlequin at times and is very lovable and intelligent. She is the fun-loving, easy going kind of dog that makes you marvel at the world and wish you could see it through her eyes, almost like a child. We were proud of her in May 1997 when she took Best of Opposite Sex while being handled by my best buddy Jeralyn Phifer. We were also extremely thrilled and pleasantly surprise to have her take Best of Winners during the second day of the January 1998 show. Pictures are coming.

These two are like day & night but complement each other beautifully in companionship. They are enjoying the company of their newest member of the family, a Yorkshire Terrier named Scooter, she keeps them on their toes. Danes make the greatest companions and best friends you could ever ask for.

Denali with Stephen & Julia, she is such a photogenic dog

This Brindle is Abby, Denali's Sister.

And then there's the mischief maker EVIE

Thank you to Jill Swedlow for the generosity of her dane clip-art

Links to Great Danes on the Web

DaDane of DaWeek (Have to see this, Ginnie also has other Great Links to Great Danes & vet stuff)
You know you have DANE when? Look here to find out.
Check out some really COOL t-shirts and stuff
Why are Dogs better than Men - there is some truth to this
Great Dane Breed
Great Dane Home Page (excellent, has other great links to Great Danes)
See Denali here w/big bunny
See Denali here again
Jill Swedlow's homepage (Very Informative & Other good links)
DaDane of DaWeek (Have to see this)
Great Dane Breed
Great Dane Home Page (excellent)
See Denali here w/big bunny
See Denali here again on the beach
Electronic Zoo - NETVET/Tons of Great Dog Links

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