Who is that masked party animal? Mug shots of the whole famdamily
This is a new addition and we will try to update this often for our family members far away. Just remember this page is still under construction

Julia is trying to grab Evie from under the bed, LOOK OUT! They're wondering if they are coming or going. This is the rest of our family.
Here we are in our Easter best, it snowed the night before so there is still a little on the ground, but we have been having an early spring this year.
This is the kids when they were baptized last year. It was a special event.
Here are some of the NEW pictures we promised of Stephen in his Soccer game, this was the first one and the Team Won ! Doesn't he look great?
Here is a picture of a nice summer's day with the boys playing in the sprinkler. We put a new screen door on and my Pansies seem to be growing quite well.
Here is my pride & Joy for summer. An exquisite smelling floral, white rose bush, "White Lightning" I have had the pleasure of several blooms already and have also been able to share some.

Tea for 6, so when are ya coming up? I had to include this picture of my teaset that Jeff got me for my birthday, someday maybe I will have family in from outside to join me in a cup of tea.
Some pictures of our trip to Anchorage, some will be posted on the main page too. There are a few from the Mary Kay Alaska Career Conference with my friends and me.

Here is Jeff, Julia, & Stephen in front of Mt. McKinley, unfortunately the pictures were not printed dark enough to pick up the mountains, it was a very clear day and everything was visible. I hope I can get them printed darker.
Here are pictures of mountains in Anchorage on the left, there are some white spots in the water, well those were the most beautiful swans just hanging out. There were actually 4 of them there. Mt.McKinley is on the right, but like I said they were not printed dark enough for the mountains to show through as clear. Pictures definitely do not express the beauty we see here as well as seeing it for yourself.
This picture was taken at the Hilton in Anchorage where we were celebrating our Alaska Career Conference. Notice the mountains in the background reflection, and boy was this a BIG POLAR BEAR.
Here are a few of my Mary Kay Buddies, Andrea Koll's Unit the Red Hot Record Breakers, from Fairbanks, Alaska having a Great Time at the Alaska Career Conference where Gwen Sherman was our guest speaker. I'm in the top of the Hilton and out the window behind me was the most beautiful scenery of the mountains, but it didn't come out in this picture, guess you had to be there.I hope the Lane's Lions in Florida get the internet
:-) if not they are missing out.
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