WELCOME TO OUR ALASKA We Welcome All Our Friends & Family

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THIS IS A HUNTER'S DREAM! Who could shoot a Majestic Creature like this? LOOK at the SIZE of this guy.

The only shooting going on here was with a camera because this was taken inside Denali National Park where beautiful creatures like this enormous Bull Moose are protected.  This was the first weekend of Moose Hunting Season too.  Here are a couple more shots, unfortunately they are a little dark so you can't see the size of his head, but the size of his rack should say a lot about how big he really was, he was nibbling on some leaves about 10 feet from our vehicle.


Girls beat the boys 2 to 1. Jeff also caught one late. It took us the better part of the day to finally catch these but success was ours. Best part, is you can fish all night and it doesn't really get dark and it's June 29th at about 9:30-10:00 at night. Young salmon swim down river and back out to sea for about 3 years, then they return and swim upstream to start the cycle all over again. The King Salmon or Chinook Salmon are the largest that run in Alaska in mid- to late June early July. They can weigh up to 110 pounds and put up quite a fight to get them out of the water. Several large Kings were caught this day.  There are also Pink or Humpback, which are the smallest, also Silver or Coho, and then there are Sockeye. It makes for quite a long fishing season and lots of fun.

Evie checking out Mt.McKinley on our recent trip to Anchorage.  Mt. McKinley is 20,320 ft high and is the highest mountain in North America. This picture was taken in January on a very clear day.  In the summer it's difficult to see the top of Mt. McKinley due to cloud coverage.

SOMETHING NEW !!!Our Family PhotosA Web page designated for current fun pictures of us, dedicated to the people we love that are so far away.  I hope your enjoy it. SEE OUR NEW CAMPING PHOTOS

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Greetings from Jeff, Margaret, Stephen, & Julia coming to you from North Pole, Alaska, a small community where it's Christmas everyday, the sun doesn't set in the summer, and the Northern Lights are bright and beautiful in the winter.

We do dress warm in the winter.  In our area it stays between 10 to 30 below zero most of the winter which is between October and late April. Occasionally the temp will dip down to 50 below zero or colder, but we have been lucky this year. This is a handmade Kuspic, that is probably not the correct spelling, but this is Native Alaskan handmade and the native Alaskans do depend on fishing, hunting, and handmade goods for income and survival. Real fur coats are worn and very accepted as a way of life in Alaska.

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We welcome you and hope you enjoy your stay with us.  We are still in the process of creating a page of interest to Greatdane lovers and anyone  interested in the scenic beauty of Alaska.

We are sharing this page with our children, Stephen & Julia and also our Greatdanes Denali & Evie, the gentle giants we live with.  We have made links to the Greatdane homepage, other Dane pages and other places of interest.

We are interested in showing our dogs, fishing, camping and enjoying the wonder of the Northern Lights.  The beauties Alaska holds are never ending and the closest to heaven on earth, you'll ever get.  When we aren't doing these other things, we are working  for a living. Jeff is part of Alaska's Finest in Alaska Air Guard at Eielson, AFB featured in the Eielson Air Force homepage. I'm part of the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus staff and also proud to be an Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. it's the Greatest Company in the world for women to work with, and the Best Brand of Skin Care in America for the last 4 years.  This year is the 35th Anniversary for Mary Kay Cosmetics. Check out Mary Kay Inc.

Here's my black beauty, Cameo's Enchanted Evening, better known as Evie. Check out our dane page for more pictures.and great Great Dane Links

complements of Jill Swedlow

Links to GREAT DANE sites on the Web Our Dane Webpage


Nice Job Sandy, Great Danes are GREAT but sometimes they need our help.  For whatever reasons these gentle giants sometimes find themselves abused and abandoned, and it's up to people like us who love the breed to preserve them.  Jeralyn Phifer and myself participate in dane rescue here in Fairbanks, AK.  It is a challenging process but very rewarding when you see one of the dogs you rescued placed in a loving home, as Smokey was.  He was a Merle boy, neutered and 10 mos. old when he  came into my life and quite unruly.  He was quite an interesting dog and very challenging, but has gone on to attain his CGC and is involved with the Canine Companions which involves children and the elderly, and also proudly marched in the Golden Days Parade in support of Canine Companions this year. What a joy to see this animal so well adjusted and so greatly loved by the people who chose him.  He was about 34" at the shoulders and maybe 110 lbs. soaking wet when I first took him home me.  He is now at the age of 3, 37" at the shoulders and 180 lbs.  What a boy !  SUPPORT the GREAT DANE RESCUE in your area. Smokey passed away in the Fall of 1999 with Cancer, it was a great loss to all of us. Check out this Great Rescue Page.  The T-shirts are wonderful.

There is some GREAT scenery on the drive from Fairbanks to Anchorage which is not quite 400 miles difference. This was a picture taken while driving through the Denali Park area.

Rule #1 with a Moose and her calf, don't ever get between the two.  A Cow can become incredibly dangerous when young calves are around.

Links to Alaska and Northern Lights sites on the Web

VISIT MY BESTFRIENDS & their Arcticview plus Denali's sister lives there too.

Looking for a GREAT Youth Group & Home Church? North Pole Assembly of God

Travel Alaska Online

A Must See for Northern Lights

Northern Lights by Jan Curtis

Just a Cool Alaskan Family Homepage

Polarnet Webpage with Cool Stuff

Links to Animated Gif sites on the Web

Animated Gif Gallery & More

Webpromotion Gif Gallery

For Great Reading Material go here & More

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Our Dane Page with Denali & Evie

Margaret's Special Place


Our Family Photo Page

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